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"I wonder what Kiji wants to give us" Honey said while he fixed his hair on infront of a mirror

"Kiji said he'll bring a surprise. Not give us something" Trois said while he reads a magazine

"Well whenever he says that, he'll give us something" Honey said as he looked at their wardrobe given by Kiji and some make up "A lot of clothes, make up, and hair products"

"I guess so" Trois said "But he asked us to get rid of stuff we don't like anymore. We have more space now, you think more clothes?" Their wardrobe is just a spot much like where they put their futon but they managed to get all their clothes in by folding techniques. Trois has one spot, Honey has one, and the other is just for random stuff but has been recently emptied out

"Guys~" Kiji opened their cell door and entered "Here's my surprise" Kiji said as he pulled a girl in their cell. She has short bright red hair with her bangs slightly covering her left eye, her eyes are yellow, she wore some blue baggy hoodie, a slightly baggy jogging pants, and a black casual shoes. But besides all that she has some dark circles under her eyes, looked frail, and actually looked like she's about to pass out

"Hello there? Tired after a long journey?" Honey approached her and took her hand

"Hey now. She'll be your new cell mate" Kiji said while he placed a new set of futon down on the floor indicating it's hers, as well as a bag of clothes "She's no.93 Don't stress her out"

"Oh we won't" Trois said and approched her too to say hello but she walked over to the futon already on the floor and let herself fall down on it.... a few seconds later she's asleep "Eh?"

"Oh don't mind her. Just let her rest. You see she hasn't had a blink of sleep for days now. And she's a very... very indoor person, she gets exhausted very easily" Kiji said as he draped a blanket over her "Take care of her"

"What do we do?" Honey asked after Kiji went out

"Well we can't wake her up. Honestly she looked like she was about to faint earlier. Let's just get to know her later" Trois said as he went back to his magazine

"I guess you're right"

(Next day)

"Are you sure we shouldn't wake her up?" Honey asked as they looked at no. 93's still sleeping figure "I mean, she's been asleep starting from yesterday morning to now. It's almost afternoon"

"I guesss we should. She should already have plenty of rest by now. Plus she needs to eat" Trois said then he kneeled down to her "Let me-"

"No let me" Honey pushed Trois aside and gently shook no.93 "Miss? Wake up. It's almost lunch time"

"Hn" No.93 turned her back to Honey and continued sleeping

"Miss. You can sleep again later, how about a meal?" Trois asked as he went to her other side. No.93 slowly opened her eyes and saw Trois smiling at her "Oh I'm Trois by the way. I know I don't need to say it but I'm the most handsome man in this prison. Although you must feel flustered to see me after you just woke up. I understand if you stare"

No. 93 pulled the covers over her head. Honey silently laughed at Trois but calmed himself down to talk to her "Miss. I know you're surprised to see his hideous face but you need to eat"

No.93 peeked over the covers and looked to see Honey, not a second later she pulled the covers back up. Trois silently giggled at her reaction, she didn't even want to see him for more than a few seconds

"O-oh.. you must be shy" Honey tried to salvage what happened "We should definetely e-"

"No.93?" Kiji opened their cell door and saw no.93 under the covers while the two men tried to wake her "No.93 get up. I know you're awake"

No.93 slowly sat up and shyly looked at Kiji. No.93 then stood up and went to Kiji shyly rubbing her shoulder as if to apologize

"Oh darling. I know there's a lot of people but you'll be fine" Kiji said and patted her head

No.93 sighed then went back to fold her futon and put it away, along with her clothes, she flinched when Trois and Honey appeared next to her

"Let me help you sort out your clothes" Honey said pulling on signature smile

"Oh. He's useless let me help you instead" Trois said

No.93 just squeezed it all in there and closed the wardrobe. Honey and Trois pouted "Thank you though"

"Huh?" Honey and Trois asked in unsion after they heard that whisper

No.93 stood up and made her way back to Kiji "I'll accompany you to the cafeteria. I'll allow early lunch but only for you and your cell mates today"

"....ok" No.93 said slowly

"Aw~ so you really are just shy" Honey said as he draped an arm over her shoulder

"It's cute how you said thank you" Trois said as he gently grabbed her hand to kiss it

No.93 looked uncomfortable with them but neither felt flustered or embarassed

"She's not used to people" Kiji said as they followed him "She used to be a hacker. She did everything in that computer of hers for years. Never leaving the room, she already has a bathroom there plus someone she had some delivered food up to her door only"

"You were arrested for hacking?" Trois asked as she just nodded

"Never saw someone for years and one of the ones you'll see from now on is me? Pretty lucky" Honey said

"It was hard finding that girl" Kiji sighed as they entered the cafeteria

"By the way" Trois said "What's your name?"

"...Miracle" She answered "Call me Mira..."

Nanbaka fanfic: MiracleWhere stories live. Discover now