Character Ask Answers!

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A/N: This is really long I'm sorry but also I sorted it into Wattpad questions then ao3 questions because you each approached it differently. That's okay! I hope you enjoy, I had fun writing it.

Wattpad Questions

Calum Hood

from adoreyouash: how has your life changed since finding Ashton?

It has been incredible. I realise what a soulmate means beyond the literal meaning and my life up until this point makes sense and my priorities have shifted. I was always business first, and I do still love Hood Motors, but I definitely love Ashton more.

from adoreyouash: are you jealous easily?

I don't have a reason to be. I think jealousy stems from distrust in a partner and Ashton and I don't have that.

from lvrofmne: What is your favourite and least favourite thing about Ashton?

My favourite thing is everything but if you're making me say a least favourite then I just wish he was a little more confident and sure of himself, could see how amazing he is.

from jetxblackheartx: [hypothetically, if CALM existed in the ease universe] What is your favourite song off CALM?

Wildflower, I'll sing it to Ashton. He's my wildflower and I mean that in the best way possible.

from ninetiesbitch: When you had sex with Michael, who topped?

Me, the first time. Michael most of the time. Often we just fooled around without going all the way.

Ashton Irwin

from adoreyouash: what about Calum makes you the happiest? Also you're the cutest lil thing

How much he cares for me. I still sometimes see myself how I did at the start, as the terrible submissive going through a constant identity crisis, but Calum will always be around to reassure me otherwise. Also thank you, you're cute too 🥰

from adoreyouash: Are you glad you're a sub, instead of a dom, seeing the role you'd have to play?

Absolutely. I could never do that and I would be completely overwhelmed 24/7.

from lvrofmne: How did you become so babey?

I just let myself submit, stopped trying to fight my natural instincts. It was always a part of me but with Calum it felt natural and comfortable to let it out.

from lvrofmne: What is your favourite and least favourite thing about Calum?

My least favourite thing is how much he works. I know he cares about his job and the fact it's a family company but sometimes I secretly wish he was a little more present. My favourite thing is everything else.

from jetxblackheartx: [hypothetically, if CALM existed in the ease universe] What is your favourite song off CALM?

Well now I have to say Wildflower because of how special Calum made it 🥺 I wish he would sing more 🥺

Michael Clifford

from adoreyouash: Any baby names in mind?

My job is to make Luke comfortable and happy, I'll only chime in if he wants me to.

from jetxblackheartx: [hypothetically, if CALM existed in the ease universe] What is your favourite song off CALM?

Best Years. It doesn't matter what my parents or the media say, I will always strive to give Luke the best years.

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