Chapter forty seven

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"Ashton!" Lauren cries out, running through the front door and down the verandah steps to barrel into her older brother the moment he steps out of the car. Calum and Ashton, after a lazy Saturday, were visiting Ashton's family for dinner.
"Hey Loz." Ashton grins.
"I've missed you." She pouts, letting go of Ashton so he can stand up straight as they walk inside.
"I've missed you too. It's been less than a week. How have you been?"
"Fine." She shrugs. "School's alright."

"Ashton!" His mother cries when they step into the kitchen.
"Hi mum." He smiles, embracing her in a tight hug.
"How have you been?" She asks, scanning her eyes over his being to search for any indication of how his time since Monday has been.
"Yeah, really good." He replies, looking over at Calum fondly. Calum was sat at the dining table having a conversation with Harry.
"On top of your school work? Not getting distracted? Like living with Calum? He's treating you well?" She fires questions at him.

"Yes to all of the above. School is going great and living with Calum is fantastic. We had a minor hiccup in the week but that was my fault because I didn't communicate but, we got passed it and are stronger than ever."
"It wasn't your fault." Calum mumbles an interjection, loud enough for Anne Marie to hear.
"It doesn't matter what caused the issue, that's not relevant. Just so long as you've both learnt and resolved it." Anne Marie interrupts matter of factly.
"Well..." Ashton blushes.
"We've ticked all the boxes then." Calum smiles, planting a quick but not rushed kiss on Ashton's lips after gradually taking a few steps closer.
"Come on lovebirds, dinner time." Anne fondly roll her eyes, placing a large pot of pasta on the dinner table.

Dinner runs smoothly, easy conversation flowing between the five of them -though Calum doesn't say as much. They're all catching up on their week, acting like Ashton hasn't moved out.

"What was the best bit of the whole week?" Lauren asks with wide eyes as they're sitting around the living room after dinner.
"Well," Ashton purses his lips, trying to think of an answer that's both true and that his sister will find interesting. "I just loved spending so much time with Calum." He supplies, linking fingers with his dom.
"That's so sappy." Lauren scrunches up her face. "What was your favourite part Calum?" She redirects her attention.
"Same as Ashton, I loved being with my soulmate." Calum says fondly.
"Was there nothing interesting all week?" She rolls her eyes dramatically.

"Well last night Ashton and I went to a fancy gala in the city." Calum answers, hoping it's the answer the girl's looking for.
"That's so cool! What for? How fancy?" Lauren's eyes positively sparkle at the thought.
"It was just for my work, to plan some advertising things. But it was very fancy. We both wore tuxedos." Calum adds, omitting the modelling details.
"Tuxedos?!" She screeches, though even Ashton's mother seems surprised by this information. She has the decency to keep her surprise more subtle.
"Yes Lauren." Ashton chuckles.

"Like... with..." Lauren's mouth falls open with empty questions.
"Black pants, blazer, shiny shoes, white shirt, bow tie; everything." Ashton clarifies.
"Oh my." His mother can't help but let slip. "Did- did you get your own tuxedo this week?"
"A tux, a few suits; Calum basically got me a whole new wardrobe." Ashton blushes.
"I wanna see it!" Lauren whines instantly.
"Well maybe next week you can come to our house for dinner." Ashton chuckles.

The conversation doesn't go on a lot further, Lauren and Harry needing to get to bed even if it's a Saturday. Calum and Ashton start getting ready to make their exit a little after 9:30. Ashton is saying goodbye to his siblings when Anne Marie pulls the dom aside for a quick word.

"Calum," She begins softly. "I know that you're well off but you're buying Ashton so many new things... I just don't want you to feel burdened."
"Of course not. I understand you're just being motherly and looking out for both Ashton and I, I appreciate it, but I promise you it's okay." He tries to reassure her.
"Are you sure?"
"Absolutely. Not only am I fortunate enough to be in a privileged financial situation, but I never ever feel burdened by Ashton in any capacity. I think that's part and parcel of him being my soulmate." Calum clarifies.
"Well then, that's reassuring." She smiles.
"I'm glad to hear it. Now if you and the family ever need any help, financially or otherwise, please don't hesitate to call. Ashton's my soulmate and that means you're family now too."
"We could never!" She cries out quietly. "We would never want to impose that on you."
"It's never an imposition when it comes from family. My parents worked hard to teach my sisters and I how privileged we are and the power of helping others with what we have. I'm not saying you need my help, I'm saying that if you ever do -I'm here." Calum replies, holding his ground and keeping his voice steady.
"Thank you." She whispers in his ear as she wraps him in a tight hug, Calum just squeezes a little tighter and doesn't say anymore.

Calum says quick goodbyes to Lauren and Harry before he and Ashton are linking hands and walking back to the car. Calum drives as per usual and Ashton throws out some final waves to his family.

"Should I be worried about you and my mother becoming best friends?" Ashton queries jokingly as they're on the long drive home.
"Of course not." Calum laughs. "I was just telling her that I'm here to help whenever she needs anything."
"You know she's never gonna ask right?" Ashton quirks an eyebrow.
"I figured as much, but I want her to know that we're family and family stick together." Calum shrugs.

"Love you." Ashton mumbles, bringing Calum's hand that was resting on the middle console up to his lips.
"I- I love you too." Calum halts a little before smiling and sparing a glance to the passenger seat.
"O-oh we had-hadn't said that yet. Shit." Ashton stutters.
"Don't stress Ash, it's okay. You said it because it felt natural to you, right?" Calum says fondly.
"Yeah." The younger blushes.
"I'm glad. I said it back because it felt natural to me too. I love you Ashton."
"But- but I was still the one to say it first. Doesn't the dom normally..." Ashton says softly.
"I didn't wanna scare you, didn't want you to feel pressured to say it to me. That's not too uncommon." Calum clarifies.
"That's... really sweet." Ashton smiles, kissing the back of Calum's hand once more. They grip each other tighter and sit in very content silence for the rest of the drive home; stupid, lovestruck grins across their faces.

A/N: THEY SAID I LOVE YOU IM SOFT AND EMO 😭😭😭😭 I was also very soft and emo because I discovered this morning that this fic is now #2 in Cashton on Wattpad! That's insane! Thank you guys so so much, means the world to me. Love you :)

-Grace Williams xo

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