Chapter forty five

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"You were right Maggie." Calum grins as he strolls into the office the following morning, Ashton being downstairs leisurely enjoying a coffee before he started his school work for the day.
"Not surprised but what did I succeed at this time?" Maggie replies cockily.
"A contract just compliments the relationship." Calum smiles.
"Ah." Maggie grins. "So night one of having a contract went well?"
"We just, understand." Calum sighs contently. "More so Ashton. It's clear what we stand for, what we expect of each other and the relationship."
"Yes, this is why we all have relationship contracts. I'm glad you finally realised." Maggie says matter of factly as she follows Calum into his office.

"Oh!" Maggie pipes up in realisation as she's about to leave Calum be, spinning on her heels to face him again.
"Yes?" Calum inquires.
"You've been invited a gala showcase thing by Display Modelling, it's tomorrow night."
"Why is there no warning? Aren't these generally planned months in advance?"
"Because the admin staff in the advertising department are incompetent." Maggie rolls her eyes. "Advertising were invited because it's a showcase for companies to find people for marketing material and they failed to pass it on to us. I just saw it in advertising's calendar this morning and got the details because I figured you'd be interested."

"I'm interested. It sounds good. We've never gone through a company for models before though." Calum replies.
"I know, we've just done our own casting. Still seems worth checking out." Maggie shrugs.
"I wanna go- wait- tomorrow is dinner with Ashton's family." He realises.
"Put that in the calendar next time for the love of everything holy, how am I supposed to do my job?" She narrows her eyes at her boss.
"Duly noted. Now if you could please make the events not clash and accept my buying you lunch the next two days as an apology, that would be much appreciated."
"Yeah yeah, I'll make it work. You're free all weekend?" Maggie brushes it off.
"Yep, double check with Ashton but I believe so."
"Sure thing, I'll see what I can do."

Maggie walks back to her desk and it's when Ashton comes back from his coffee that she has another thought.

Maggie - Calum: Is Ashton coming to the showcase?

Calum - Maggie: It'd be a good time to introduce him in the business world, no?

Maggie - Calum: I think so, if he's ready for it. The unofficial soft launch, then we plan something more official to happen at a Hood event when he's ready.

Calum - Maggie: I don't mind that idea... though right now he'd probably despise it

Maggie - Calum: Exactly why we wait doofus

Calum - Maggie: Did you really just call me a doofus????

Maggie - Calum: With confidence. Now let me fix your problems.

Maggie - Calum: Also what's Ashton's mother's number

Calum - Maggie: Contact: Anne Marie Irwin

Maggie stops texting Calum and starts to dial Ashton's mother from her desk phone.
"Anne Marie speaking."
"Hi Anne, my name's Maggie. I'm Calum Hood's personal and executive assistant." Maggie starts warmly.
"Oh hello. Is there a problem with Ashton? Is he okay?" The mother asks worriedly.
"No, he's perfectly alright. All is going well. I'm just calling because there's been a last minute scheduling conflict and they were wondering if you minded if they came over for dinner, or even lunch, at a different time over the weekend."
"Of course, that's no trouble at all. Saturday night works best for us if that's alright with them." Anne brushes off.
"Let me just check, one moment."

Maggie - Calum: Can I move your Saturday night dinner with Michael for dinner with Ashton's family?

Calum - Maggie: Sure, he's always flexible

"That's no worries at all. They'll see you then. 6 o'clock?" Maggie smiles despite the fact the other woman can't see her.
"Sounds wonderful. Thank you for the call Maggie."
"You're very welcome, save my number and never hesitate to contact me at any time." Maggie reassures.
"Will do, thanks."

The phone call ends as typically as you'd expect before Maggie sets about rearranging the dinner with Michael and confirming Calum and Ashton's attendance to the model showcase.

Maggie - Michael: Calum and Ashton can't do Saturday night, pick another meal over the weekend.

Michael - Maggie: Fine. Late lunch Sunday?

Maggie - Michael: Sure, I'll put that in his calendar and let you two confirm a time yourselves.

Michael - Maggie: Sounds good, thanks Mags

Maggie - Michael: Welcome

Maggie - Calum: Dinner with Ashton's family on Saturday night, late lunch with Mike on Sunday. I said you could work out a specific time with him later.

Maggie - Calum: I've also RSVP'd you and Ash for the showcase.

Calum - Maggie: Wonderful, thanks

Calum stands up from his desk and starts walking down the hallway to Ashton's office, resolutely ignoring Maggie's curiosity.

"I like what you've done with the place." Calum comments as he lightly knocks on Ashton's open office door.
"Thanks." Ashton smiles, looking up to fondly stare at his dom. He's happy for the distraction from his maths questions.
"Just thought I'd deliver a few bits of news." Calum replies, sitting in the empty arm chair opposite Ashton's desk. Perhaps it wasn't necessary but they had nothing else to do with it.
"Oh?" Ashton queries.

"We were invited to a showcase by a modelling company tomorrow night. It's a chance to potentially cast some people for future ads as well as just generally network and strengthen business relationships. I thought it would be a good chance for you to meet the people I do business with and be welcomed into the world of big business people, but with less pressure because I'm not hosting and I'm not even a guest of honour." Calum explains, excited at the prospect of being able to show Ashton off -and having a dinner date other than Michael.
"Oh..." Ashton considers slowly. "I'm nervous but a little excited and I suppose I'll have to do it sometime."

"It'll all be fine sweetheart, I'll stay with you the whole time and you can always say yellow if it's too overwhelming. There's never ever a time you can't safeword."

A/N: I nearly fell asleep editing this I probably missed some mistakes sorry, I love you all loadsssss :)

-Grace Williams xo

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