Chapter eighty seven

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"That is a matter of opinion." Michael takes a deep breath, before redirecting his attention to Luke. "I'm gonna tell them, okay baby?" He mumbles -quietly so his parents can't overhear, as much as they want to.
"If you think it's the right time." Luke answers, voice afraid.
"I'm right here, I've got you. I won't let go." Michael kisses Luke's temple, resolutely ignoring the looks his parents are sending him.

"Mum, dad; we have more news." Michael clears his throat.
"What is it?" His mother says curiously.
"Luke is pregnant, we're expecting." Michael's voice is clear, loud and unmistakable. His mother looks like she's about to faint and his father is fuming.
"Michael Gordon Clifford! You can't go about getting 18 year old's pregnant!" Steven yells, jumping from his chair and towering over the younger two sat opposite. Michael is quick to react, gently but hastily pushing Luke off his lap so he can stand and match his father's height.
"Luke is my soulmate and you will stop talking about him as if he is anything less. And you say 'go about' as if I could get anyone else pregnant, as if I would want anyone else to be pregnant with my child. Luke, as my soulmate, is the person on this earth who makes me the happiest. Surely you and your 'family values' can understand that at least. And finally, I hope I never have to remind you again that this child -and any other children Luke and I have- are the only grandchildren you will ever get." A grossly tense silence falls over the room when Michael finishes his passionate spiel. "I'm sure you have lots to think about, we'll see you in the morning." Michael adds, muttering as he pulls Luke up from the couch and takes him down the hallway to their bedroom.

"I'm so sorry about that." Michael says regretfully and quiet when the bedroom door clicks closed behind them.
"I want to say thank you." Luke replies softly. "You defended me more than I could have ever asked for. To your father, a dominant."
"Of course I did baby. I would defend you to anyone. For the rest of my life, I am dedicated to you." Michael rushes, uncomfortable with the thought that Luke could or would ever doubt that.
"My mother was right, the best bit is that we get to be together sooner." Luke smiles.
"I think we'll spend Christmas with your parents until mine come around." Michael chuckles.

Michael and Luke get ready for bed and decide to hit the sack earlier than usual, knowing they'll need the mental capacity to deal with tomorrow.
"Never doubt that I'll always stand up for you. I'd be a shitty soulmate if I didn't." Michael pulls Luke into his chest as they lie under the doona.
"You're the best soulmate. And I always want to defend you but-"
"But I know that there are other people like my parents and it's not always safe for submissives. It's a cruel world but hopefully we can make it a little better. Remember, we're bringing new life into the world. We can teach them new values, it's our generation that can make the next generation more tolerant and kind. Stay positive baby."

"Good morning." Rosemary mumbles when Luke and Michael first enter the kitchen the following morning.
"Morning." Michael replies, the tension from last night not having completely dissipated. Luke is too terrified to say anything, just keeping a vice like grip on his dom's hand for support.
"Your father thinks it would be best if we segregated today... that is, you and him spend the day together and Luke and I spend the day together." She passes on the message, albeit in a gentler way than Michael's father could have managed.
"Luke and I will discuss it after breakfast." Is all Michael says as he keeps pulling out things for toast.

"Is it not something you can decide for yourself? Is there nothing you call the shots on?" She purses her lips.
"It is not a crime for a dominant to ask their submissive's opinion on things." Michael huffs.
"But this isn't asking an opinion, it's asking for a decision." She counters.
"You mean to tell me you've never made a decision in your adult life?" Michael scoffs.
"Certainly not on something like this. That's what dominants are for."
"It's one possible role, actually dominants are just supposed to make their submissive feel safe and at ease."

Michael and Luke sit down without another word, his mother just milling about to fill in time and space.
"I think they want an answer sooner..." Michael starts quietly as he and Luke eat. "Are you willing to spend the day with my mother?"
"I think so... I need to get to know them at some point and your mother is certainly a more appealing prospect than your father." Luke replies.
"Are you sure baby?" The older frowns.
"Yeah, we need to stay positive remember?"
"I remember." Michael cracks a smile, leaning in for a kiss.

Luke manages to get through the day with Rosemary, slight tension arriving a few times but they both just move on -neither of them having the strength to fight. Rosemary learns that Luke is more extroverted that a lot of subs, a fact she has mixed feelings about. Luke learns how content and at peace Rosemary feels by being so submissive, which is nice, but they're still not tolerant of people who are different to that. He can't help but think about how much they'd love Calum and Ashton and their relationship.

Michael thinks the same thing as he lives through conversation after conversation with his father. Though they're quite one sided, more like lectures that Michael pays no attention to. Michael's father feels it necessary to dictate exactly how a 'proper' relationship should operate and whenever he stops endlessly ranting for five seconds, Michael interjects with a reminder that every relationship is different. By dinner time, Luke and Michael are both so exhausted by their efforts to stay calm during the day that Michael makes the conversation about Calum and Ashton. Michael always felt like his parents favoured Calum over himself and Ashton compared to Luke would only further progress that idea in his head.

A/N: part two of spicy content with Michael's parents, I will see you all on Thursday. Love you :)

-Grace Williams xo

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