Chapter sixty nine

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"How are you feeling?" Calum asks as they drive towards his parents house, it was late in the evening considering they had just done dinner with Ashton's family -this time at a restaurant in the city because their house was out of action.
"Honestly? Terrified."
"It'll be okay sweets, because we're late tonight it means we don't have to do much. Brief introductions, I'll show you around, then we can go to bed." Calum says reassuringly.
"Show me- how big is your parents house?" Ashton gulps.
"Bigger than ours, but," Calum starts to rush, "they live out of the city so naturally there's more space."
"That's not as reassuring as you think it is." Ashton gulps.

They drive in the dark another ten or so minutes before Ashton brings up something else entirely.
"If it's big... does that mean we can have a room far away from your parents..."
"Yes... what are you thinking?"
"That we keep having vanilla sex and a mini holiday seems like the perfect opportunity to go beyond that."
"You want to start properly exploring kinks in my parents house?" Calum blanches.
"Not when you say it like that." Ashton whines. "Only if we'll be far away from them. I don't know how thick the walls are."
"We can be far away from them." Calum chuckles.

When they pull up to the house, Ashton's mouth goes dry.
"It's basically a palace!" Ashton shrieks, staring at the balconies and French architecture.
"It's not." Calum mumbles as he drives into the garage.
"It most certainly is." Ashton insists.
"Surprised my folks haven't come out and said hi already, maybe the didn't hear or see us. Let's go inside, I promise they'll love you." Calum changes the subject, grabbing their bags out of the boot of the car and making his way towards the stairs.
"I'm still nervous." Ashton confesses, clutching onto Calum's hand like his life depends on it. Calum doesn't mention it.

"Calum! You must be Ashton! Come in, welcome!" Calum's mother, Louise, beams when Calum and Ashton land in the side of the entrance foyer. Ashton is in shock. The house is even more extravagant from the inside.
"Hi mum, hope you've been well." Calum smiles, easily accepting the hug from his mother.
"Yes yes, your father and I are fine. Though our children don't visit often enough." She shakes her head.
"Sorry about that." Calum apologises.
"I'll forgive you if you properly introduce me to Ashton."
"Right! Sorry!" Calum exclaims and Ashton finds the whole thing a little endearing. Parents seem to have a way of making every dom seem a little less macho.

"Mum, this is my submissive Ashton Irwin. Ashton, this is my mother, Louise Hood."
"Hello Ms Hood." Ashton says courteously, bowing his head just a little. It's better to be safe than sorry.
"Nonsense! Call me Louise." She insists, pulling Ashton in for a hug. Ashton's eyes go wide but he awkwardly hugs back a little. Ashton sees a woman, he'd guess she's in her mid 30's, walk past but no one says anything so he makes a note to ask Calum later. Just as Louise pulls back, Ashton mirroring her because he's too scared to make any calls, Calum's father walks down the staircase and into the foyer.

Following another round of introductions, Calum glances at his watch and decided it's time for them to part ways for the evening.
"It's nearly 10 o'clock, we should go settle in and head to bed. Ready for tomorrow." Calum announces, Ashton sending him a look of gratitude. He needs the space.
"Of course, we'll see you in the morning." Louise smiles.
"Goodnight you two." Frank, Calum's father, adds before the older two are both retreating up the stairs.

"Ready for bed?" Calum prompts, picking up their bags again.
"Yes, absolutely." Ashton sighs.
"I'll give you a tour in the morning then."

They walk up the ornate stairs and Calum leads Ashton into the bedroom diagonally opposite his parent's room, as far away as possible. This room was one of the smaller bedrooms, but it was by no means small. Calum takes their bags into the robe but Ashton decides to sit on the end of the bed and twiddle his thumbs. Calum sighs as he turns around, leaning against the wall and staring at Ashton.
"Call me sir." Calum starts, making Ashton's head shoot up.
"Wh-what?" Ashton squeaks.
"You seem tense. Overwhelmed. If you need to call me sir, then do it." Calum slowly approaches his sub and sits down next to him.
"What will your parents think?" Ashton gulps.
"They'll think about how whatever we have is between us, it's our relationship. Not theirs. They know that. They've been together for decades. They know how this works."

"I'm just scared." Ashton whispers.
"Scared of what?"
"Everyone thinking that I need more guidance than every other submissive. If I keep having to call you sir just because I get overwhelmed, that shows that I'm weak and inexperienced. And I feel it reflects poorly on you." Ashton is close to pulling his hair out in frustration.
"First of all, you do not reflect poorly on me in any way shape or form and I never want you to think that." Calum says sternly. "Now." He takes a deep breath. "Maybe you get overwhelmed easily because I'm not giving you the extra guidance you need as often as I should. As for that extra guidance that you think makes you weak, it doesn't. It makes you human. Every submissive is different and every relationship is different. It's not right to compare yourself to others."

"Well then what do you propose?" Ashton queries.
"Call me sir for this whole weekend. We are in a safe, welcoming and private environment. My parents won't think anything of it and neither will Elysse-"
"The maid-"
"There's a maid?!" Ashton nearly falls on the floor.
"Darling, we have a maid." Calum reminds.
"But that was who the woman I saw before was? And she'll be here tomorrow? We barely see our maid, she's basically just a cleaner."
"Elysse lives here, her bedroom is on the ground floor."
"Wow. Oh my god."

"Anyway," Calum presses.
"Sorry," Ashton zips his lips.
"Call me sir for the weekend and then we'll talk about how it made you feel. You can stop at anytime, just call me something else and I'll get the message, but I do want to try this. As always, you can always safeword. Anytime. Anywhere."
"Okay, I'll try it." Ashton nods.
"Wonderful, you're so perfect sweets. I don't want to force things on you, you know that right?"
"Always. You just want the best for me sir. I love you."
"I love you too."

Saturday consists of Calum giving Ashton a tour of the house; the formal living and dining spaces, informal equivalents, kitchen, wine cellar, sauna, gym, library, art studio, three guest bedrooms, pool, tennis court, tennis pavilion, gardens and bushland. Ashton is more convinced than he was before that it's a palace. The afternoon gives them time for some leisurely games of tennis and the day finishes with a meal prepared by Elysse and served in the formal dining room.

Sunday holds less, Frank wanting to get updates on the company. Ashton becomes well acquainted with both Louise and the library, he doesn't mind. All weekend, as Calum promised, no one bats an eyelid at Ashton calling Calum sir. Ashton settles into it, even if he was hesitant at first. Calum was right in saying doms can read people, especially their own subs. Ashton is grateful for it.

A/N: hello I'm aware this is a day late, yes Calum's parents are oc's. Australia's on fire. When I woke up this morning the sky was orange and it stayed like that most of the day. Please consider donating if you are able. If you're in Australia or NZ, please stay safe from fires and smoke. Lots of love.

-Grace Williams xo

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