Chapter 59: The Calvary Arrive!! The Z Fighters Save Gengoro Island!

Start from the beginning

"Tsu, I know you are in there. I just hope that you can hear me. Please, little Tsu. Please come back to us." Gohan spoke, holding his side.

Tsubaki's eyes widen and so did Trunks', he was shocked that he had called her that. "That name.." Tsubaki shook, her nerves getting the better of her as tears started to form.

"Tsu?" Goku grew concerned, he quickly flew over towards her. "That.. Name.... It...." Tsubaki let out a scream, putting her hands on her head as she started crying loudly.

"What's wrong with her?" Videl asked, looking to Trunks and Gohan. "You used the nickname, that Future Gohan used. It was his special nickname for her, he used it when she was much younger. She never heard that name used again after he died." Trunks explained, leaving the group stunned. "Go-ha--n." Tsubaki whispered, as dark energy swirled around her. Goku quickly backed away, as Tsubaki continued to scream.

"Tsubaki. Fight it!! You can fight this! I know you can!!" Hunter shouted, standing to his feet. Tsubaki closed her eyes, letting out a last scream as all the dark energy left her body. The air picked up, sending dust and small debris in the air surrounding them. Goku opened his eyes, looking forward as the wind settled.

"Is that?" Videl and the others looked on in, hoping that Tsubaki was back to normal. "Tsubaki?" Goku called out, he was being cautious about what she would be like. Tsubaki's figure shook, as she finally came to her senses and realized what had happened after she had looked at the gem.

"Tsu?" She looked up at her father, as tears began to run down her face. This caught Goku by surprise, as he saw the tears pouring down his daughter's face. He breathed in relief, letting a smile stretch across his face when he saw the special glint in her eyes. He knew that she was back to normal. "Dad, I'm sorry.. I'm so sorry." Goku let his guard down as he floated towards Tsubaki, causing the other's to become cautious until Goku wrapped his arms around her. "It's alright, Tsu. I know that you didn't mean it, it wasn't you. Don't be sorry for that. I'm just glad you are back to being yourself again." Goku smiled, this only caused Tsubaki to sob in his arms as everyone blew out a sigh of relief.

"She's back," Videl smiled, wiping a stray tear away from her cheek.

"Thank goodness." Trunks let out a happy sigh, as Goku and Tsubaki floated down towards everyone. "I'm sorry," She tackled Trunks, Gohan and Vegeta all in a hug, crying loudly as they all just gave her a smile. Gohan and Trunks wore big smiles on their faces, while Vegeta gave only a small smile in response.

"I'm glad to have you back, Tsu."

Tsubaki hugged Trunks tightly, before apologizing fiercely at Videl and Hunter for nearly killing them. "It's okay, Tsu. We know that it wasn't you fault, what happened. We don't blame you for anything." Videl chuckled slightly, "You mean that?" Tsubaki sniffled loudly, as the two sweatdropped at the state she was in. "Yeah," The two laughed nervously, everyone was gathered around, happy that Tsubaki was back to her normal self. Even Keiko and Keitaro were gathered around Goku and the others, laughing and happy that Tsubaki wasn't trying to kill them anymore. But there was one person, who wasn't so happy about this. Riko, he wasn't happy about it all. He was still angry with Tsubaki, she had nearly killed Rin, who was currently awake.

"I'm sorry, we've been nothing but pains in the ass. I frankly, don't even remember why we needed the gem so badly. I guess, we just wanted to retaliate against Hunter for leaving us the way he did. We're truly sorry for all the trouble we caused you guys." Keitaro bowed, nudging his sister who only huffed. Keitaro became annoyed with his twin's attitude, he elbowed her in the side making her bow her head.

"It's okay. I'm sorry, for trying to kill you guys." Tsubaki apologized, "We're all good. No worries." Keiko huffed, making the others sweat-drop as they realized just how opposite these twins really were. "What are you all smiling at, huh?" Keiko lost her temper, making Keitaro smack her on the back of the head, making the group chuckle as the twins argued. But their joy was cut short, as Tsubaki was suddenly shot in her side causing a small hole.

"Tsu!!! No!!!!" Tsubaki's eyes went blank as she fell forward, Trunks launched himself forward catching Tsubaki before she could hit the ground. "Tsu, Tsu!!" Trunks shook her slightly but she wasn't waking up, she had passed out. "Who the hell-" Videl looked back, as they all looked where the blast had come from. "Riko, what have you done?!" Rin shouted, "That is payback for what she did to you, Rin. She needs to pay for nearly killing you." Riko snapped, just as Riko sent another blast towards them it was met with another Ki blast. Everyone looked to where the blast had come from, they all looked shocked and relieved to see who it was.

"Yamcha, Tsubaki, Trunks, Goten! What are you doing here?!" Gohan asked, "Well, we figured you guys needed back up seeing as you guys were down in this cave for so long." Yamcha explained, "It looks like we were right!" Trunks exclaimed, before all took in the sight of the Future version of Tsubaki. "What happened to her?!" Goten rushed over, with the others following after him. "He happened.. It's a long story." Videl explained, looking to Riko.

"She'll pay!" Riko shouted, "That's not gonna happen." Goku said, his expression darkening as he glared harshly at Riko.

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