"These jokes will only get worse. We are going to be dads." Theo teased, his eyes closing from the peaceful rubbing and warm hold.

  Ezra laughed, leaning back against the bathtub. He looked down at Theo, not at all surprised to see his head bobbing up and down from lack of sleep.

  "Come on, let's get your teeth brushed and back into bed," Ezra whispered.

  Despite a groan, Theo obliged, having Ezra help him up, brushing his teeth then guiding him back to bed. He helped Theo lie down, tucking him before making his way to his side.

  The next time Theo woke up, the room was filled with sunshine and the smell of coffee, and something unexplainable assaulted his nose. Theo scrunched his nose, looking over his shoulder to see Ezra, but his part of the bed was empty. Theo sighed.

  He stood from the bed and walked over to his dresser. Digging in, he grabbed a pair of blue jeans and a long-sleeved black shirt that wasn't his but he didn't care. Baggy felt better as of now. Throwing off his clothes, he quickly dressed and opened the door. From the top of the stairs he could see Austin putting something wooden together, Ezra was in the kitchen, and to Theo's relief, MJ and his dad sitting on the barstools at the island.

  He made his way down the stairs, catching his dad's attention. "Oh, Theodore, it's good to see you!" He jumped up from the seat and practically ran for Theo, enveloping him in a warm hug.

  Theo felt his eyes prick with tears. After everything that's happened, smelling his father's scent and being with his dad, hit all the buttons of what Ezra needed. He needed the love of his family.

  When his dad pulled away, Theo couldn't help the tears that sprang from his eyes. His dad chuckled, holding back his tears. His dad brought his hand up and wiped away the tears.

  "Oh, my boy, it's okay. I know it's been a lot but I'm proud of you. You look... so different." He hugged him again. "You look strong."

  Theo couldn't help the choked laugh. "Thanks, dad." He sniffled, pulling away from him and looking over at MJ.

  She got up and opened her arms as well. Theo accepted the hug. "You look so handsome." She commented, rubbing at his hair.

  Theo admit, it's like having his mother here, only MJ was much more caring. He nodded. "Thanks, MJ."

  She nodded, releasing him to hug his dad. Theo turned to Ezra who was now leaning against the counter with a smile on his beautiful face. Theo returned the smile but turned his attention back to his dad.

  "I was going to ask. When were you planning to have the wedding? Is the date settled?" He asked.

  Mj nodded, her red lips growing wide. "December 20th."

  Theo smiled. "Thats almost 2 months away."

  "Exactly. Most of the planning has been done. All we need is for all of you to get a tux and be ready to help." She cleared her throat. "I want both you and Ezra to be the ring bearers. Will that be okay?" His dad asked.

  Theo squealed with excitement nodding vigorously. "Of course, we will!"

  Theo felt hands on his waist, grabbing his attention. Theo looked over at him, sharing the same excited smile.

  There was a knock at the door, making the air grow from happy to slightly tense. Theo's smile died when she felt the tension in the air and on their faces. Ezra squeezed Theo's waist, sliding around him and towards the door.

  He answered it and Juan stepped into the cabin. "Sorry to disrupt you, but the clan is eager to see you. Now."

  Theo sighed. "We have to talk to them." He explained, walking over to the door, facing Juan. "Tell the pack to gather around the courtyard for a big announcement. Once everyone is there, come get us."

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