Chapter 24

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As I reached Biliran, I then went home to hear fuss in the living room. I then appeared at the door to find Tacoy talking to everyone.

"Someone should call the authorities now." Tacoy said, then turned to see me. He was surprised, "He's missi- Harry?"

The people in the living room turned to me. Maria then rose up and hugged me.

"Oh my God apo. Are you alright? Were you hurt?"

I smiled, "No. I'm fine. I just....prepared my ticket home."

"Home?" Carmen asked in shock, "But I thought you still have 2 weeks left."

Oh shit. I told everyone about my duration of stay here. I told.... Freya.

"So when are you going to leave Philippines?" I asked, while travelling to Naval.

"Well, after the wedding, I'll only have 2 weeks left." Freya smiled, "Which means that I can make the most of my stay for 2 weeks. You?"

"Same." I said, causing us to smile.

But I have to get away from here.

"You're gonna leave now?" She asked as we were by the bay.

I was silent. I couldn't tell her why.


"You should go back there Freya. I'm leaving any-"

"You're leaving now?"


"Why? Something important?"

Why does she keep asking?

"Why do you care?"

"Uh, everyone was worried."

"Everyone or you?"

"Everyone including me. Don't you know that what you did scared everybody?"

I was silent. I tried to find ways to get the hell out of here. I felt kinda pissed too when Freya raised her voice. She does not understand what I've been through for the past week.


"I don't like you Freya. No one does. And I don't wanna be here anymore. Get it? So don't think that we have a special connection." I then turned to leave.

"Is that how you see me? Someone desperate to have a relationship?" Freya said, causing me to turn, "I never asked to be kissed during that night-"

"Then why did you say yes?" I raised my tone at her.

"I can't say no to you okay?" She raised her tone as well, "You were one of the people I've treasured here. You have no idea how much you guys made my travel here so memorable. I value you same with everybody. That's why when you asked me if you can kiss me, I said yes. Because I am stupid enough to treasure people. I am stupid enough to give them what they want just for them to be happy. I am stupid enough to care."

Shit. What the hell did I say? What the hell did I do?

"Freya-" I said softly.

"And I am stupid enough to love, to value people. To fall in love.... With you." She then started crying as tears rolled down from her eyes.

No. please.


"Please, if you want to go, I won't stop you. No one will. And just know... that if you need anything, we'll be here. I'll be here. Anytime."

"Freya please-"

"Goodbye Harry." She said as she left the bay. I then realized that I just fucked things up with everybody. With her.

A Journey of Two Spoliarium Lovers: The Other Experience (Journey Series)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora