Chapter 8

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I woke up and prepared in the room. After preparing, I went outside to find Tacoy walking back to the lobby.

"Oy Harry." Tacoy said.

"Hey." I smiled.

"You stayed here?"


"You should prepare. We'll go to Baguio now."


Afterwards, I went to the cafeteria to have coffee for a while. Afterwards, I was about to go back to my room when I saw Tacoy calling someone and prepared the van.

"Harry." He called out.


"I hope okay lang but.... Can you please check on Ma'am Freya for a while? Sorry po-"

"It's fine Tacoy." I smiled. I then went to her room and knocked. The door then opened.

"I'm already prepared Tacoy-"

"Hi." I smiled, looking at her.

She's really beautiful.

"You ready for Baguio?" I smiled.

She smiled back, "Let's give the letter to Maria."

We then walked out together and met Tacoy at the lobby. We went in the van and Tacoy started driving to Baguio. The ride went for hours until we reached mountainous areas and high cliffs. But Freya and I didn't see a lot of it since we were asleep.

"Welcome to Baguio City." Tacoy shouted, causing Freya and I to wake up. I then removed the sleep in my eyes as Freya looked at the window and saw the beauty of the place outside.

There's that angelic smile of hers again as she looked at the view.

Moments later, Tacoy slowed down as we were approaching a lion statue.

"You wanna take pictures ma'am?" He asked Freya, "I forgot to tell you that we passed by Kennon Road."

"Oh yes." She said excitedly. As Tacoy stopped, she went out of the van as fast as she could, running to the lion statue, then I followed with Tacoy. Tacoy went to the vendors selling souvenirs but I went towards the lion statue and saw Freya climbing to the statue and hugging it. I laughed at the sight. She's really cute. She is really enjoying this one. Like an adventure for her. She then took her phone and took a photo of the statue. But I felt that she wanted to have a photo of her with the statue.

And I wanted to have a photo of her.

No I shouldn't.

Oh fuck it.

"Face here Freya." I said and she faced me, I then took the camera and took a photo as she smiled and posed with the statue. She then went towards me and took a selfie with me. Afterwards, she looked at the photo on her phone, smiling with excitement.

"What do you think Harry?" She asked, still looking at the selfie.

But I didn't look at the photo. I looked at her. The way she smiled.

"It's beautiful." I said, trying to take my eyes off of her but couldn't.

Freya smiled wider and looked at me. Moments later, her attention was taken by a strawberry-colored food.

She went to Tacoy and asked, "Tacoy, what's that?" while pointing at the food.

"Strawberry Taho ma'am."

"Strawberry Taho?"

"It's a food with strawberry flavor and.... Um... taho." He replied, scratching his head. I chuckled.

"Looks delicious."

"It is ma'am. You should try it."

She then dragged me like hell and we tried the Taho together. I savored the food. It is so warm and delicious. Tasted like heaven. Moments later, we went in the van, with Tacoy driving us to the city.

We then reached the city, which to be honest, is full of people and cars. The roads were also different from city roads. They were like ramps, to be honest. But it makes the city cooler.

Baguio is truly a Summer Capital, from what Tacoy said earlier. Because damn, it's a cold place. And I think it looks cool in the summer. We then went to the city hall of Baguio, where we think the mayor works. As we went there, we asked the secretary for appointment with the mayor. Moments later, the secretary called our attention and we went to the mayor's office.

"Good day mayor." Freya smiled.

"Hi." The mayor smiled back, "Take a seat." Then we sat at a chair across her table.

"Would you like anything? Food? Water? Tea?"

We shook our head and smiled, "No thank you."

"It's nice to have foreign visitors around." She smiled, "What are we going to talk about?"

Freya showed her the letter, "Harry and I found this letter while we were in the museum in Manila, looking at the Spoliarium. It says it's for your mom. We're here to give it to her."

She took the letter, eyebrows etched, "This is weird. Whoever is the person behind this letter must have known mom a lot. Cause mom does not really tell her favorite things to anybody except for me. How come this person knows that she's a Spoliarium lover?"

Shock came to Freya's face upon realizing that Maria's a Spoliarium lover. I remained silent throughout. Until I tried to ask.

"Do you happen to know any Jaime though?"

The mayor shook her head, "No. I don't know any Jaime. Umm, you know what, how about you guys come with me and we'll give this to her yeah?"

Then we left together and went to Maria's residence.

A Journey of Two Spoliarium Lovers: The Other Experience (Journey Series)Where stories live. Discover now