Chapter 20

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"Harry, wake up." I heard Tacoy knocking at my door. I groaned and looked at the time which was 7 am. I then rose up the bed and opened the door.

"We need to prepare. The wedding's today."

"Today?" I asked as I looked at my phone and saw the date. It is indeed the wedding, "Oh shit. Uh, I'll be there in a sec."

"Okay." Tacoy smiled, "Be at our residence. The men will prepare there."

I smiled and nodded. I then took a bath and dressed up. Afterwards, I wore a street casual outfit and went to Tacoy's residence, only to find the boys busy already.

"Where's Harry?" Macoy asked.

"Here." I said, raising my hand.

Macoy then gave me my outfit and I dressed up. I then fixed my hair and sprayed perfume. Afterwards, I went out and went with the boys. I then saw Jaime, who was nervous. I smiled. Jaime's getting married today. This time to the one he loved for a long time. Then I got nervous as well. Shit. Freya.

I looked at the distance, wondering about her look later. The anticipation is killing me.

"Yieee excited for Freya." Jaime said, standing beside me.

"Not excited Jaime. Scared. I.... don't know how to face her actually."

"Same here." He laughed, "But...let's be ourselves and I think we'll be fine."

I smiled. Then the photographer called all the boys' attention. We then took a photo. I then took my camera and took a photo of them. After the photo taking, Tacoy's nephew went towards me and hugged me.

"Kuya Pogi."

I chuckled and hugged him as well, "Hey buddy."

"I'm the ring bearer."

"I'm uh, the young groom."

Then Tacoy's brother-in-law called all of us. We then went out and saw the van waiting outside. He then told us to ride in the van going to church.

"We need to go ahead. Because few minutes from now, the girls will be going. We should not be late. We're men."

Then we drove going to the church. As we approached the church, we saw the decorations in place, the photographers, and the organizers all ready. The priest is also around with his altar boys and the choir. Some guests also arrived, taking photos and talking for a while.

"Everybody line up. Wedding will start few minutes from now." The organizer shouted. We all lined up at the aisle, with the organizers telling us where to stay and when to walk down the aisle.

A Journey of Two Spoliarium Lovers: The Other Experience (Journey Series)Where stories live. Discover now