
After a while it reached to 20 cuts. It made me feel a little better. It was nice to get, what I deserve to get for just being... I shouldn't really ever be born... I was just tearing up for another few minutes till I heard someone opening the door to the bathroom. I quickly wiped my tears and shut up. I covered my mouth with my hand... I got anxious when I heard the similar voice...


"Kacchan, are you here...~" I knew this devilish accent from him. He always sounded like this when he was going to beat me, make fun of me or anything else that was harming me. I just kept being quiet and hoped that Eijiro came after me... I was hoping so hard...

Kirishima's pov.:

When I asked Bakugou those questions he looked scared, nervous and anxious... I was thinking why... When he started talking I was hoping that he would tell me everything, but he didn't... He just ran off...

I was really... Hm.. Sad? No.. Disappointed..? No... I didn't know... The feeling that was inside my heart now, I couldn't describe. It was to complicated... But I knew something was wrong... He looked too nervous, too... Scared...

I felt like I needed to go after him. It was this feeling, when you forget to get the spoon out the bowl when you put it in the microwave. You felt like you forgot something, like something bad will happen... I felt that so hard at that moment... I needed to go... To run after Katsuki.

I fought with this weird feeling for a minute, but it was too strong... I quickly got up. My lunch feel off the bench I placed it on. I didn't care about that, or that I got a bruise on my hand while getting off the bench. The only thing that I cared about was... Bakugou...

I opened the door and ran down the stairs. I turned to the right and then I realized that I don't know where he went... I stood with my back against the wall and thought hard. There was this word on the back of my head, but I just couldn't get it out... I stood for a minute or two longer... I heard some girl with annoying, high pitched voice saying some words. The only word that I remembered was 'bathroom'...

There was this thing that I tought so hard about. He on 100 percent was in the bathroom's. I quickly ran down the next stairs and got on the way to the toilets. I saw some green thing. I knew what... Who was that... It was this little green ugly piece of broccoli... Izuku...

Bakugou's pov.:

I keeped every sound I would do in that moment inside myself. I was scared. I didn't want to be near him again, but he was in my school... Maybe, only school would be alright, but... He was in my class...

I didn't know what to do now... I waited and waited for Kirishima... He didn't show up for a minute... I slowly lost any hope... I heard Deku open the stalls one by one... I was in the last one... I tought for a while, I had my quirk but... I didn't want to harm anyone... Even him...

But there was a sound... A voice, that was someone's that I knew... No, two voices..! It was Kirishima and Shinsou! I started to calm down.

Shinsou's pov.:

I was going to class because I got a little tired of the lack of people in the cafeteria. When I was walking calmly I saw Eijiro running with a scared, mad and kind..(?) Expression... I yelled to get him out of his mind "Hey, Kiri! What's wrong?". He stopped. He probably would fall if I didn't catch him. He quickly said a bunch of words, but I understood perfectly... "Bakugou, Bathroom, Izuku, Bad, Dangerous, Blood, Bruised."...

I figured out what was abou to happen...

Kirishima's pov.:

When I was running to the bathroom I was deep in my mind. I was thinking about every option and every picture that I could see between Katsuki and Midoriya... But then I heard Hitoshi calling my name and asking. I couldn't think much so I got out a bunch of words that I tought about first.

[DISCONTINUED!] I'm scared... Please, help me... [Kiribaku/Bakushima]Where stories live. Discover now