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"If he so much as looks at someone the wrong way, I'm kicking his ass, Cal," Luke said matter-of-factly, not even looking at Ashton who was stood to Calum's side. "I mean it." 

"Jesus, Luke. He's just here to have a drink and some fun like the rest of us. Aren't we celebrating your win?" Calum sighed out, rolling his eyes at his idiot of a best friend. "I think the only person that has an issue about Ashton being here is you." 

Luke simply huffed before turning around and walking towards the house in front of the three boys. After a few meters, he turned around to look at Calum and Ashton as if to ask; are you coming?

Ashton and Calum followed behind Luke and into the large house, a Rolling Stones record being played loudly throughout it. 

Calum hadn't gotten the chance to find Ashton during the game, having gotten dragged around with his high school friends. Luke, as planned, had met a new group of girls through his new sporting ventures and insisted Calum meet them; thus, it wasn't until the end of the game when the team was celebrating in which Calum managed to slip away in search of Ashton. 

Had Calum not sought the boy out, Ashton almost certainly would have snuck himself home or back to the diner. 

Inside the large house it seemed most people were either dancing around the large living room, or sneaking off outside with someone of the opposite sex. Right away, Calum felt out of place and ready to crawl himself home. 

"Calum, you should go talk to Heather. According to Madeline she thinks you're cute," Luke smiled at his best friend. Luke had been pushing for Calum to get a girlfriend since they had started at university, claiming that the boys chastity all through high school had come to its end. "I've heard she's quite an eager girl." 

"Luke..." Calum shook his head at his best friends words, not wanting to talk to a girl just so they could hook up or just to satisfy his best friend. "I'd rather not, not right now."

"Oh come on, Cal. We're in uni, you have to loosen up at some point," Calum felt as though he was being scolded as Luke spoke. "I'm sure even Ashton would agree it's about time you found a girlfriend." 

"I really don't think you should be asking me," Ashton spoke for the first time since they had arrived at the house, a tight lipped smile flashing across his face. "I'm getting a beer, you want one?"

"Sure, please" the words had barely left Calum's mouth before Ashton had disappeared somewhere in the house. Turning to look at his best friend, Calum wanted to roll his eyes. "Luke, I really don't want to." 

A set of giggles interrupted the two friends as the rest of their, well Calum thought more like Lukes, friends arrived. A slim arm slung itself over both Luke and Calum's' shoulders as a dazzling smile appeared between them. 

"Mads, my stone fox, tell Cal here what you told me earlier about Heather," Luke smiled, wrapping his own arm around the girl, Madeline, and making a show of planting a kiss to her rosy cheek. 

"Oh! Calum, Heather thinks you're a real cutie. She won't stop talkin' about you," Madeline leant into Luke as she spoke to Calum, a cunning smile on her face. "You two would be real nice together."

"Unlike my best friend here, I'm not much of a Casanova, Madeline," Calum responded. Now that their friends had shown up, Calum didn't know how he'd get out of spending the entire night with a girl he'd only casually met a few times. "Heather's sweet, but I don't think I could keep up." 

"You're a goof, Cal," Madeline responded, rolling her eyes. "Well, if you won't take her out then we'll have to go find someone that will. Make you jealous, huh."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2021 ⏰

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