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Family had always been important to Ashton. His mother and two younger siblings had been his main concern ever since he was a child. Ashton would do just about anything to keep them safe, happy and healthy. 

The fours of them had never had much, Ashton's father having left when he was a kid and Ashton's little brother just a baby. Ashton's father leaving meant that Ashton had to step up at eight years old, to be the father figure to his younger siblings. All through middle and high school he went straight to his job at the diner after school and to the mechanic on the weekends, willing to do anything to take some of the financial stress off of his mother. She didn't deserve to be left with such hardship. 

Having no father figure made life hard, Ashton didn't really get anyone to look up to. It didn't help that Ashton's mother was never able to get a decent paying job because society thought she should be home looking after her children. Nobody could look after their kids if they don't have any money. It was unfair that even after 12 years, the family was still getting punished for their father walking out on them. Even when he was around, things probably weren't much better. 

Ashton and his family may have never had much, but they had each other and Ashton knew there isn't anything much more important than family. 

Living on the poorer side of town didn't help either, automatically giving them a bad reputation. Kids at school always tried to take jabs at them, mostly Ashton as he would try to protect his little brother and sister as much as he could. Ashton didn't know what it was, but people loved making fun of anothers shitty situation, always mocking where he lived and for his family dynamics. Ashton just didn't understand why he had to get punished for things so far out of his control. 

The mocking just made Ashton plan and dream big, to get himself into college so he could get a good job and help his family get out of that godawful town. But, luck never seemed to be on Ashton's side. 

It was the day of Ashton's eighteenth birthday, he didn't even get a week or month or even year to enjoy it. They had been having a family lunch, as they always did on birthdays, when the post came and sitting right on top was the letter drafting Ashton into the war. Ashton's mother cried, his siblings too young to understand exactly what was happening. But from Ashton silence and the cried from their mother, they knew something was wrong. 

Knowing Ashton couldn't just leave his family without anything, he quickly gave up his intention of attending college when the summer was up, instead diving straight into working overtime every single day to ensure his family had the extra money to live off while he was gone. All Ashton could do was hope that he wouldn't be gone for long and that he would come back to them in one piece. 

It broke Ashton's heart to have to leave so quickly and suddenly, he didn't want his mother to overwork herself because Ashton wasn't there and the two youngest were still too little to work. Of course Ashton feared the worst, that he wouldn't get to come home to his family and what might happen to them then. But, that was the thought that got Ashton through, he wasn't trying to survive for himself or his country or neighbour, but for his family. 

Without family, Ashton didn't have anything. 

Ashton didn't know whether he should cry or feel absolute relief when he found himself caught in unsuspecting fire and getting the side of his right leg ripped up by an exploding grenade, it could only mean I was going home. Unlike a lot of the other men that suffered injuries, particularly those who got themselves caught in an explosion of sorts, Ashton was lucky enough to have survived, spending three months in a medical unit as the doctor and nurses fought to keep his leg alive. 

Ashton had wanted to thank Michael for what he had done, for dragging him through the bush to safety when Michael very well could have left Ashton alone to die. Michael didn't have to risk his life like that for someone he barely knew. But, Ashton never got to see him or say thanks. By the time Ashton had properly come back around, nearly a week after the ambush, he was well away from any camp. Ashton really did hope that one day he would get the chance to thank Michael. 

When Ashton finally returned to America, he barely left the house; wanting only to hide away from the world and anything that could cause harm. But, after the winter break his mother had convinced him to pick up a course at the city college he had previously been planning to attend. Lucky for him, they were eager to bring Ashton back in and even offered to help support him through after all he had been through.

However, Ashton felt more terrified about returning to school and the world than he was during his entire year in Vietnam. 

Even with his scarred and damaged leg, Ashton felt so thankful to be home and have the luck to pursue college like he had planned for most of his life. For Ashton, college would not only mean providing his family with a better future but also the chance to be a part of change in the world for others like himself. 

"Enjoy your classes today sweetheart, and try to make some friends," Ashton's mother, Anne, smiled as he limped into the kitchen with a brown leather bag slung over his shoulder.

"I will, thanks Ma" Ashton smiled back at her, kissing her on the cheek before walking out the front of their small house to his old car parked out front.

After finding a place to park and hunting out his first lecture theatre, Ashton sat myself right in the back corner in hopes of staying out of the way. The itching feeling of not belonging in that classroom lingered at the back of his mind, people from the poorer part of the city didn't usually go to college. Everyone here seemed to be so lively and already have their little group of friends.

Ashton I had told his mother he would try my best to make friends, and a part of him truly wanted to, but it wasn't something he honestly planned to do. Ashton figured it was just best that he stayed out of peoples way and focused on work. He had everyone he needed in his life, Ashton didn't need the hassle of anyone else. 

All his life Ashton had been carrying too many secrets and thoughts, enough to bury a person in guilt. But Ashton couldn't get it stop him, he had kept everything hidden throughout his teen years so he couldn't just stop that now. Ashton knew if anyone were to find out about his secrets that he would be punished for it, he knew it was wrong but it wasn't something a person could just stop. By staying out of everyones way Ashton figured that nobody would suspect anything so he could surpass all the teasing and torture. 

Ashton had seen what happens to queer boys. It's never a good sight, nobody is ever forgiving of what they do to them. By staying out of sight Ashton would be out of mind, he won't talk to anyone unless he had to. Not even the pretty raven haired boy he sat next to everyday. 

He just hoped it would be that easy. 


Numba three!! I wanted to do a little more of a intro for Ashton. 

What do you think about it so far?

Ashton and his family?

Ashton having to return from war because of his leg?

Ashton hoping to stay out of sight?

Let me know what you think! Leave a comment or vote, or follow me! I really appreciate every bit of support.

- g

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