~Chapter 27~

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(Y/n) Point of View
"It's dark and quiet. Where am I?" I struggled a bit like something was keeping me in place. I struggled more and more till I finally lifted up. I was in a empty white space sitting on what seemed to be the floor.
  "Okay now where am I? Is this some sort of dream." I tried to remember anything before I got up but I couldn't. I started to walk forward just to see if I can find something or just anything. I continued walking for what felt like hours but it was like I had made no progress.
  "Why am I here? Did something happen to me." I thought really hard trying to focus on anything I can remember.
  "Ugh." My head start to throb. I held my hand against my head for a bit trying to make the throbbing go away.
  "Gosh my head. It seems like I'm getting nowhere, maybe I should walk back and see if there was something the other way." I turn around and saw a car flipped over on the road.
"W-What happened. Why does this car look familiar." I walked closer to the car and saw some silhouettes in the car.

  "Is someone in there?" I hurried towards the car. I bent down to the window and in shook I saw two familiar people.
  "Huh, Mom, Dad. No this can't be." I started to try to pull them out. I then saw someone in the back a girl that looked a few years younger than me. I started to recognize who she was.
"I-Is that me, wait is this the crash me parents and sister died in. Wait but that's me. Where is...why can't I remember her name, she was in the crash with my parents. Why can't I remember." I then heard footsteps echo behind me.
"Is someone there?" I quickly turned around to see who was making the footsteps.
"Can you help me get them out." I turned back to where the crashed car was but it wasn't there anymore.

"What where did the car go." I started to here the footsteps again.
"Umm hello are you still there." I looked around the white empty space. I then saw a building.
"Is that a school?" I started walking towards the school. I then saw at one of the windows a silhouette of a girl with long brown hair wearing a school uniform.
"There is someone in there. Who is she." I got to the entrance of the school and went in.
"Hello can you tell me where I am. I saw you from one of the windows." I started to walk down the halls.
"Why does this place seem familiar." I continued walking through the halls passing by the many classrooms.
"Hello is anyone here." I said again waiting to see if there will be an answer. I then heard footsteps from one of the halls. I went in the direction of where I heard the footsteps. As I turned to one of the halls I saw a glimpse of what seemed to be salmon hair go around the corner.

"W-Wait can you tell me where I am." I start to hurry to catch up to the person following where they went. I then got around the corner the person went. I hurried down the hall leading me to a hall that went in only two directions.
"Which way did they go?" I looked to my left and saw the girl with long brown hair.
"Hey where am I? Did you see anyone with salmon hair here?" The girl pointed to the other side of the hallway. I looked at the right side of the hallway and saw the silhouette of a boy in a school uniform with the salmon hair. I then looked-back and forth from the left and right said of the hallway.

"Both of these people seem familiar, but why can't I seem to remember who either are. Maybe I'll find out who they are if I went in one of the directions and followed them. But I have a feeling that I can only choose one way and only find out about one of them." I stood there and thought for a bit.
"Which way should I choose to go. I get a feeling from the girl on the left that she was a part of my life that I have forgotten, but the boy on the right gives me a feeling that he just became a part of my life that I don't want to forget. This is hard to choose, do I never remember something in my life that I have forgotten or forget something that I have in my life that I don't want to forget.

The sound of footsteps brought me out of thought . I turned and saw on the left that the girl with long brown hair turned around and started walking down the hall further away from me.
"Wait she's walking away. What do I choose, if I take to long she my never come back, what do I do." My mind was racing on what to choose. I then heard a faint voice I turned and look to the right at the boy. It looked like he was saying something.

"What is he saying?" I tried to focus closely on what he said, but I couldn't hear him. He then pointed to the left side of the hall like he wanted me to go left. It felt like he was tell me to not worry and that he will be by my side no matter what even if I forget him. I decided to go to the way he pointed and went left to the girl. I ran to catch up to her. I started to see a light and at the light the girl turned her head and held out her hand. I grabbed onto her hand and she started lead me to through the light.

"I love you." A faint familiar voice then said. I quickly turned my head towards the boy.

"N-Natsu." The light grew brighter and the sight of the boy was gone.

Yūrei: Hey guys I hope you enjoyed this chapter. If you want to-

Natsu: Vote, comment, and share if you liked it!!

Yūrei: I thought I locked the door

Natsu: You did, oh you may want this back

Yūrei: Is that the door knob!!

Natsu: Alright will see you guys next chapter also Yūrei is doing a Q&A on her story Yūrei's Instagram so ask her any questions and she'll answer it on there, I gotta go run now

Bye ;3

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