Watt's Inside...?

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Challenge #2: Tag 3 Wattpadders you'd want on your squad, and what their role would be!


1. The talented elveloy starts us off with her first of two short stories—Last Chance!

2. This month's Author Spotlight is shining on BeeKienitz!

3. Nablai brings all the info you'd need about LGBTQ+ SF in this month's Nablai's Nebula!

4. We heard you like Engagement Month activities within your monthly engagement activity—it's a little promo for FreeTheLGBT's Pride Month Fiesta!

5. Ready to write a drabble about an LGBTQ+ SF future?  What's a drabble, you ask? Why, exactly 100 words. QueerSpace: The Challenge!

6. Time for some LGBTQ+-friendly Images of a Science-Fictional Nature!

7. elveloy returns with her second short story, this one a tad shorter—Citizen!

8. In last month's Utopian SF issue, we posed a challenge to mothertroopers. These are the answers. Other Visions of Utopia...!

9. Yeah, so when you said you liked Engagement Month activities, you meant you wanted even more Engagement Month activities, right? Good. Here's a little promo for lgbtq's LGBTQIAP+ Get Together!

10. Smith & Jones...

11. Home, the final short story by the always wonderful jinnis!

12. Looking for More...? Say no more!

13. Closing Time comin' 'round again, 'troopers. Where do we go from here...?

Tevun-Krus #79 - LGBTQ+ SFKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat