IX: She's Really Pregnant! pt. 1

Start from the beginning

Wednesday, June 26, 2019
3:23 p.m

After Dave picked up Christine from her moms house they headed to the appointment. The car ride was silent because Dave didn't really have too much to say to Christine. The appointment was at 3:55 and they were in perfect timing.

4:28 p.m
They were in the ultrasound room waiting on the doctor. The nurse asked them a couple of questions and told them to shortly wait on Dr. Jones.
3 minutes later..

"Knock. Knock." someone said walking in.

" someone said walking in

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"Hello, i'm Dr. Jones your obstetrician or also known as the OB/GYN nurse. How are you guys today?"
"Good." Dave and Christine said in unison.
"I'm assuming you're the father Mr.?"
"David. David Brewster."

"Nice to meet you Mr. Brewster. Are you excited about this pregnancy?" Dr. Jones asked Dave.
"Well to be honest doc yes and no." Dave said bluntly.

Dave could feel Christine staring a hole upside his head. Christine then rolled her eyes.
"Well, Ms. Malone I hope you're more excited than Mr. Brewster."
"Of course I am!" Christine said with a big grin on her face.

"So Ms. Malone do you mind laying back and lifting your shirt up for me?" She asked while putting on her gloves.

Christine laid back and did as she was told. Dr. Jones then applied the ultrasound gel onto Christine's stomach. Christine flinched at how cold the gel was.

Dr. Jones moved the transducer probe around Christine's stomach only to see a little egg also known as the embryo on the monitor.

"And there he or she is." Dr. Jones said.
Dave and Christine directed their attention towards the monitor.

Christine had a big smile on her face, while Dave was still in shock

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Christine had a big smile on her face, while Dave was still in shock. He thought he was done with Christine, but unfortunately she's stuck in his life.

"So, Mr. Brewster now that you're sure it's a baby in there, aren't you excited now?" Dr. Jones asked.
"Yeah, just a bit." Dave said chuckling.

Dr. Jones took a couple of pictures of the ultrasound.

"Ms. Malone you're about two weeks along, so you have a long ways to go." Dr. Jones said chuckling and cleaning the gel off Christine's stomach.

"When you're at least three months, so maybe your third doctors visit from now we shall be able to tell the gender. Your due date will be sometime around March 2020. Not sure the specific date just yet, we have to wait until the third doctor's visit to know that as well."

Christine nodded her head.
Dr. Jones threw away her gloves and then proceeded to make two copies of the ultrasound photos and gave each Dave and Christine a copy.

"So, congratulations Ms. Malone and Mr. Brewster. I'm praying we have a great and healthy pregnancy because of course I will be the one to deliver the baby when the time comes."

"Ms. Malone of course you know to not drink or smoke while pregnant, it could most definitely affect the baby and we don't want that."
Christine nodded her head.

"Are there any questions for me?" Dr. Jones asked.
"Nope not at all." Christine said.
Dave shook his head no.

Dr. Jones then handed both Christine and Dave her card.
"Here's my card, just incase you do have any curious questions. Mrs. Smith will set up your next appointment at the receptionist desk. You guys take care now." Dr. Jones said as she exited the room.

Dave held the door open for Christine as they exited to the receptionist desk.

Mrs. Smith, the receptionist, set the next appointment to July 18th at 2:30 p.m.
Christine and Dave then exited to the car.

"That was exciting!" Christine said putting on her seatbelt.

"Yeah, I guess. Don't think we all cool either 'cause we not. I'm only talking to you about my kid and my kid ONLY. I'm coming to every appointment as well and will be picking you up, so you won't be on no funny shit." Dave said.

"But David, baby don't you want a family? This could be a great opportunity." Christine said with puppy dog eyes.

"Yeah, I want a family, just not with you. I hate to say it like that, but you knew that shit already. We not getting back together, and I mean that shit bruh." Dave said harshly.

Christine could feel herself about to cry, but she held her tears back.
This nigga got some nerve. I don't know who he think he talking to, but I hope he don't think he finna be with another bitch. This baby is only a start, his life is about to be a living hell. Christine thought to herself as she watched Dave drive.

"Yo you hungry?" Dave asked Christine.
"Yeah." Christine replied staring out the window.

Dave pulled up at Wendy's and ordered them both some food and then headed to drop Christine off. Christine semi slammed Dave's car door as she got out.

Dave could tell she was upset, but he didn't care. He meant what he said about them getting back together. Christine's too crazy for Dave, and while they were together he let majority of the craziness slide. Now he's just completely done with it.

8:30 p.m
After Dave stopped by KJ house he headed on home. He pulled up in the driveway and locked his car door. He opened his house door and immediately ran upstairs to shower. Once he was out, he rolled him up two blunts.

Dave sat in the family room and smoked his blunts as he watched Wild N' Out. He still was thinking about how he was about to have a mini me running around the house. He was mainly hoping for a boy because to him girls are too much to handle. He also was thinking how he's going to tell the rest of his family, and how they would react that the baby is by "Crazy Christine" as Ashley would say.

Dave then called his mom and told her that Christine's really pregnant and showed her the ultrasound photo that was given to him. His mom told him not to worry, and to do what was best for the child. They talked about how he was going to tell the rest of the family, and then said their goodbyes.

Dave rubbed his face as he could feel himself drifting off from his highness.
He turned the family room tv off and went upstairs to his bedroom and went to bed.

To Be Continued ..

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STAY SAFE during this pandemic and STAY IN THE HOUSE!😘


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