Pushing the car door open, Melissa nodded, affirmatively. Though not without a partial cringe to the very words that caught Rhoda ecstasy.

It just wasn't her thing!

Melissa shook it all off and got out of Rhoda's black Toyota Camry.

Then, side by side with Rhoda, they both trudge toward the restaurant.


A simple yet sophisticated restaurant. One whose name echoed in ears of all for it's culinary excellence and exquisite customer service.

Yellow and red paintings were splashed across every part of the two storey building. And written in bold yellow colour, with a turquoise outline, was the word; FANTASIA..

Having left the car park and headed toward the entrance, Melissa unexpectedly slid her fingers into Rhoda's.

And shot her an extra relieving smile.

That smile was another form of reassuring Rhoda that she was completely fine.

But, Rhoda didn't understand any of it.

Thus, she only gave an involuntary beam, in return.

Melissa wanted to explain but stopped herself. This moment was perfect, she wouldn't want to anything to ruin it - not even herself.

Sighting the security clothed in a yellow uniform, who was already forcing the door for them, they both walked straight in.

Just like Rhoda always did anytime they both went out together, she busied her eyes with scanning the tables before them. Of course, her aim was to find the best one that hadn't been occupied.

So, as soon as one particularl table got her eye, she gleamed, oh-so-graciously.

It was at the extreme of the place, a bit close to the stairs that lead to first floor.

And adjacent to the same table, was an extension, in which the TV - that was positioned opposite - was plugged in.

A place to charge her phone plus TV while eating?! Definitely a sweet catch.

Therefore, before a flurry of words could escape her mouth, she heard Melissa wince at the brush of someone's body on hers.

Turning to her side - in reflex response, Rhoda saw a young fair lady with an apologetic look. And the fair girl with the short hair, kept muttering, "Oh my god, I'm so sorry!"

Melissa kept on resting one hand on the shoulder that was hit, in attempt to soothe the pain.

Now releasing her hand from the shoulder, she nodded, "It's okay. I know it was a mistake. You can be on your way now. It's really very fine."

The previous slightly mournful look the stranger had was now replaced by a relaxing smile. Then she said, "Thank you so much!" Her beam got wider, "You just made me remember the forgiving, loving nature of our God and King. He's so patient with us!"

At the mention of God, Melissa face folds back up.

Yet she still watched the girl clothed - in a white chiffon top on a knee-length jean skirt -  speak on, "Have your heard about him? He's like the greatest thing of all! He's ever so loving and..."

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