The strike never came and instead there was a loud clang of metal hitting metal.

I opened my eyes to see Riptide just above me stopping Kronos's blade.

"You foolish boy, why can't you just stay out of my way?!" yelled Kronos.

"Because you'll never win." said Percy.

"Actually, I think I do" Kronos said smiling as I watched him quickly move and stab Percy in the stomach.

"Percy!" I screamed.

"Y-you-u're wrong....again...Kronos." Percy said breathlessly.

"What are yo-"

I was frozen in shock at what just happened. I sat there frozen as Percy pushed himself closer, making the blade sink down to the hilt through his stomach. He turned his bracelet into his kukri and sliced Kronos's jugular.

Kronos started to bleed heavily from his neck. He quickly let go of the sword and brought both hands to his neck, trying to stop the bleeding. It was a futile attempt. Percy dropped to his knees, his head hung low watching his own blood spill out.

I watched Percy looked around. He saw Harry just as he defeated Voldemort and his body disintegrating. His friends were finishing up the rest of the the monsters and Death Eaters. Then he turned to me.

Shaken out of my shocked state, I got up quickly, ignoring the pain and ran to Percy. My vision became blurry as tears started to escape my eyes.

"I love you Hermione." He barely whispered as blood started to come out of my mouth.

"Percy you're going to be ok. We'll get you patched up." I said desperately looking into his eyes while holding him.

I could tell he wasn't looking at me but something behind me. I turned around, but didn't see anything.

Just then Percy fell towards me, eyes closed.

"Percy! Stay with me. Come on." I said laying him down.

Just then Harry and the others ran over to us. Annabeth pushed herself to the front and knelt down, tears flowing. She poured a whole canister of ambrosia onto Percy's stomach.

The wound didn't close like I had seen before.

"Why isn't closing?" I asked desperately.

"I-I don't know." Annabeth said in a low voice that sounded like it was about to break. She then got up and pushed her way out of the crowd.

I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see Nico standing there with a sad expression.

"N-n-no it's not possible. He can't be dead. There has be something we can do." I sobbed.

"Hermione, I'm sorry." said Mr. Weasley.

"All we can do is give him a proper burial." said Mrs. Weasley.

"No... it can't be real." I said trying to convince myself.

"Come here Mione." said Ginny pulling me into a hug.

I cried into her shoulder, letting it all out. After about five minutes I turned around to see all of Percy's friends, both from home and here looking at me with sad faces. Some were crying and some looked like they were trying not to.

"You should give him a proper Greek burial." I said to Nico.

He nodded in return.

"Let bring him inside." said Jason walking towards Percy's body.

"Come, lets get some air." said Piper grabbing my hand along with Ginny.

They guided me towards The Great Lake and we sat down under the tree. We sat in silence which I was thankful for.

I couldn't believe that Percy was dead. It felt like a part of me was just ripped from me.

"Hermione I am truly sorry. Percy was an amazing friend and it doesn't take being a daughter of Aphrodite to see how happy you made each other. If there is anything I or anyone from Camp Halfblood can do, just let us know." said Piper, breaking the silence.

I turned to face her, "Thank you." I said

"You know we'll be here for you too." said Ginny.

I smiled at both of them and pulled them into a hug. They let me hold onto to them. Ginny started to stroke my hair to sooth me. I knew I was being selfish because Ginny had lost Fred.

After a few minutes I decided we should head back to everyone and help with whatever was needed.

"Let's go back." I said.

"Are you sure?" asked Ginny.

I nodded and stood up. The two girls followed my lead and together we walked back to the devastated Hogwarts.

When we got back to the courtyard, we were told the wounded and deceased were moved to The Great Hall. We decided to go there first and help the wounded.

After everyone was taken care of, I walked over to where Percy's body lay. I knelt down and held his hand.

"I'm so sorry Percy. Why did you have to be so selfless and risk everything by coming to Hogwarts for people you didn't know. Although the time I spent with you was some of the best time I spent in my life, I rather have had you never come here if it meant you'd still be alive." I said.

Tears started to slowly fall from my eyes.

Just then a golden light appeared over us. It started to grow blinding me, forcing me to close my eyes.

~~~Line Break~~~

I opened my eyes. The sun beamed through the window making me close my eyes again.

"Mione time to get up." said a tired masculine voice next to me.

"Five more minutes." I mumbled.

"We can't. We'll be late again." said the same voice.

Just then the door to the bedroom burst open.

"Mommy! Daddy! Get up, get up!" a five year old girl screamed happily while jumping onto the bed.

"Ok, but first" I said right before tickle attacking her. The girl squealed and squirmed under me.

"Daddy. Help. Me." she said breathlessly.

"Don't worry Jenna. Daddy will get mommy." said the masculine voice.

The next thing I knew, I was being tickled and couldn't stop laughing.

"S-stop please." I said, not being able to take it anymore.

I opened my eyes once the tickling stopped. I stared into the two sea green orbs in front of me. I pulled him down into a kiss.

"Ewwww, stopppp." whined Jenna.

I turned to girl with a smile on my face. The sea green eyed and curly light brown hair girl looked at us in disgust.

"You'll be doing that eventually when you get a boyfriend Jenna." I said.

"Ew!" she said before running out of the room.

"I love you Hermione." said the man.

"I love you too." I said before kissing him again.


Love, War, and Best Friends (COMPLETED)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz