3.I7 Go Ahead, Kill Me!

Start from the beginning

He looked at the knife in my hand"you really think i'm frighting of that toothpick?"

I shook my head "i don't care. "

Then i put a hexbag in his pocket. 

Crowley froze "a hex bag. "

I smiled "by the way she said to tell you she should've taken the three pigs"

Crowley growled "mother"

then he gasped and fell to the ground, choking "i-i thought you were the smartest one of your three. You're the only hope they had. Working with my mother. Are you insane? you actually trust her?"

I shook my head, grimacing " God no. Not even a little"

Crowley "then why? What has she got over you?"

I asked annoyed "will you just die already?"

Crowley sighed, coughing  "that's what i get"

Me "what?"

Crowley "that's what i get for trying to be the good guy"

I asked amused "so you're the good guy?"

Crowley "do you have any idea what i've been at for the past year? the changes i've made to hell?"

l asked confused " am i supposed to be impressed by that?"

Crowley nodded "Yes"

I nodded, annoyed  "alright"

Crowley "i thought if i did better i might actually feel something again. That it might matter"

i shook my head "It doesn't matter. You killed people, innocent people. people i cared about, people i loved. so yeah, you have the accent an the suit and the snark but you're just a monster. just like all the rest of them. You can try to be as good as you want but at the end of the day? you're still Crowley "

Crowley coughed "you seem to forget you're just like me. "

I shook my head "i am not. "

Crowley "your father is Alastiar, Elena. You are a princess of hell! And i am your king"

I shook my head amused "i'm gonna enjoy watching you die"

Crowley "you've forgotten one important thing in all this"

I asked confused "and what'"

Crowley looked at me and his eyed turned red "i am Crowley!"

then he pulled the bullet out and stood up "so thank you, Elena, for reminding me of who i really am"

Then he threw me against the glass wall. 

I coughed out and sat up. 

Crowley took the hex bag out and walked to me "it might have worked on any other demon. But me? please"

He burned it in his hand. 

I shook my head. 

Crowley "i could kill you. Snap with my finger. But i won't"

Me "why?"

Crowley "because we had some good times together, remember?"

I shook my head "that wasn't me."

Crowley "that Elena back then? that's the real Elena and not this ridiculous human version of you. You're immortal. there will be a time were you will want to become that Elena again"

I shook my head "i won't"

Crowley "you hate that part of you so much and i would do you a favor by killing you now, wouldn't i? but i'd rather watch you live with that burden than help you out of your misery"

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