
"Let go of me!"

"Who... Who is this guy..." Hassan said out loud, he glared at Ja'afar as he clenched his weapon."Hindrance, I will kill you without mercy!" Zainab stretched her arm to stop Hassan to continue what he was doing and said,"Wait... This guy is no ordinary human. Let's wait for Kashim's reinforcements."

'What? It's a black found this time...?' Ja'afar thought as black mist surrounded him.

"The magical weapon Kokubakumutou." A new voice said he black dreadlocks styled in a half-ponytail, and golden eyes. Has rags for clothes from the slums that they occasionally wear. And wears the same small hoop earrings."You don't look like you're from the military..." he glared at Ja'afar coldy as he held his weapon close to him."Let go of my comrades!"

"It's Kashim!! Kashim's reinforcements have arrived!!" Zainab shouted along with Hassan who said,"Serves you right!! Kashim's black mist is heavier than lead no one can move a single step in it!"

"UWAA!!" One of the them shouted in shock as the female Fanalist kicked the unexpected enemy.

"Those tools are getting in way..." Atsukei glared still waiting for the right time to pounce. People began to panic seeing Morgiana's strength. "I can't help Morgiana I'll just get trap in there....fuck"

She feels useless right now.

"Kashim, danger!!"

"Another one!!" Kashim shouted as he activated his weapon making the black mist envelop around Morgiana's body. "A girl...?"

"It doesn't matter who it is. Anybody who harms our comrades is an enemy!" Zainab shouted while holding the injured soldier. The soldier wheezed in pain and said,"That girl... Has enormous strength don't be careless..."

"...This fog..." Morgiana mumbled as she struggle to stand properly, feeling her being dragged down."Although I can move...it feels too heavy... I can't lift my feet!"

"Hang in there Morgiana....I'll think of something , just to help you." Atsukei  whispered as she clenched her fist tightly as her metal vessel made a sound.

She can't think of anything.

"Wah, that girl... can still move!"

"Hmmph.... you're the first one who can withstand a wave of fog to this degree!" Kashim said while letting out more black mist at the suffering Fanalis, he turned around and shouted."Leave this to to me escape once you get what we want!"


"What's wrong, mate?" Asked Kashin seeing the tense male beside him."No... It's nothing."

'What is going on? Why is she here!?'

"Aladdin!!" Ja'afar shouted as Aladdin snapped his eyes open from his slumber."Aladdin!!You can let them get away capture them!!"

"It's the Fog Troupe!!" Aladdin shouted in alarm, he took his flute and shouted,"Ugo-kun!!"

Everyone stopped seeing a giant blue body appeared out from Aladdin's flute."A monster...!!"

Magic // Magi the Labyrinth of Magic [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now