Chapter Twenty Four

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Its been two days and we have been laying low with Mama with the fear of how Khalid might approach the whole situation.

We always meet at the hospital, Uncle and Mama always sit to make plans and think of rightful connections they would follow to overcome Khalid's inferiority.

Mariya and her husband haven't visited the hospital since when they left. Abubakar was the one coming and we would all sit and gist and think of possible ways to deal with Khalid's evil traps.

Uncle came in and saw us gisting and laughing with Maman Zainab. He dropped an envelope on Mama's lap and sat on the floor holding his head in his hands.

Meya faru? Are you okey? Mama asked when she noticed he was very disturbed.

"I was called from the head quater this morning,  I was given my transfer letter which is inside the envelope", he replied.

Innalillahi wa inna ilaihirrajiun! Mama exclaimed.

We were all worried morethan ever. He is the backbone of the case and the only truthful person we trust in the police force that would help and stand for us.

Abubakar told me that Mariya's husband insisted I go and visit him in his work place to go and talk about one or two things and we left Mama and uncle with Maman Zainab discussing about his transfer.

We arrived Mariyas husband's work place and Abubakar led me to the way. We entered his office and he offered us drinks, but Abubakar turned down the gesture and went straight into discussing Uncle's transfer to the eastern part of the country.

He looked more shock. And had sweat all over him.

"We need to act fast", he said looking at us.

I nodded at him and he brought out a piece of paper from the drawer beside him.

Take this Aminatu, write down the speech and call out to people. People need to protest with us and no one has to be above the law. Everyone is punishable to the law.

I nodded as I had nothing more to say. I have lost hope since earlier in the day when uncle showed us his transfer letter.

I finished writing the little I can and he asked me to keep the paper with me and that he would look for me again. After which Abubakar dropped me at the guest house we are leaving and left.


I prayed Isha when Mama knocked at the guest house room we are staying since the begining of the case. We were afraid to go and stay in our house and decided to become discrete because Khalid plans are unknown to all of us. Uncle had been spying and he told us he has not done anything bad or suspicious that would  link to anyone of us.

I answered with salam and she opened the door informing me that Abubakar was around to see me. I picked up my hijab and went straight to the sitting room.

I went outside the room and saw him with Mariya and her husband. We exchanged pleasantaries, Mariya's husband informed me that he had started distributing fliers that would aid our movement to people secretly. We carried on the plan that changed our lives good that night.

Mariya told me that they would be passing the night with us and that we would be following her husband to work early in the morning the next day. I was very glad, atleast we will get to sort ourselves out and grow the bond with us.

I kept thinking of the risk of what we were about to do through out the night and the morning came earlier than I would ever think of.

We prayed subhi and headed to his work place.We arrived at around 6am and waited to the time he was about to go live on air.

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