Chapter Seven

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Mr Khalid kept thinking of how to grow his business more, but things always don't seems right in every decision he take. He hate to remember that he still have his other siblings and step mother alife.

His mom became soft over the years and become speechless towards every action of her son, he becomes so bitter to her and even her relatives that he is supposed to look up to. He once threatened her to live his house just because she advised him on the way he handle somethings, she hates it when he invite ladies to their home to sleep with, she hates seeing him taking drugs and many more things.
She realised all this the moment rumours started spreading about the way she mishandled her sons home training.



"I just wish I can kill everyone and have the world and luxury to myself", I thought.

I rolled my eye and then I remembered my dazzling Aminatu, how could I not think of having the world to ourselves? that was so selfish of me.

I missed her face and I suddenly want to see her, I dialled her number and called her right away.

"Aminatu I want to see you now", I said and I immediately disconnected it before she could say anything.
I checked my gallery and started looking at her pictures before she showed up.

"Aminatu what took you so long''? I hate waiting especially if I need something badly. I watched as her mood changes and she took back the smile she had on her face.

"Mr khalid I am.........". Oh my God Angel, look at me. I hate to see this other part of you. You dont have to address me like this anymore. We don't have to be formal anymore.

"Okey just look up hayatee", am taking you to see my mum.

She suddenly looked up wearing a smile, "I will be glad to see her soon hayat".



I screamed deep in my head knowing that I have achieved a step forward in my mission. But then I don't want him to think am too anxious, I stood and pecked him making an exit through the door. Of Cause I know his eye were on me and I needed to swift my waist around and walked slowly and majestically out of the office.

I could not concentrate on my work. Each time I close my eye, I imagine a big mansion, with me standing right in front of my mother inlaw and money God right beside me. I got thousands of goose bumps before he finally came out and led me to his car.

The journey was a silent one. There was a romantic song playing and of cause the A.C was there to play it part too. He held my hands in his and he was romancing it softly.

I closed my eye and kept on smiling.

"What is love doing to me"?. I thought as I kept on thinking of how I would be very lucky marrying a rich, romantic, handsome perfect creature.

"What are you thinking of hayatee? We are hear already", He said cutting me up from my thoughts.

The car stopped outside a mansion which is morethan the way I imagined it and he rushed and opened the door for me. I am parking outside, we have to make it snappy.

I nodded and headed towards the door, a message came in and I picked my phone. It was an unknown number:

Helo beautiful! Am sorry for invading your privacy and picking your number but I am not sorry for actually loving you and looking for a way of making my racing heart at ease.
I am your admirer and well wisher, I think you are making a wrong decision trusting Khalid. Have a nice day.

Your admirer.

Is everything okey?, Mr. Khaleed asked.

"Yes hayat", I smiled at him while putting the phone in my bag.

"Yau ga 'yan bakin ciki, to love and enjoy they will not allow you". They will keep coming with excuses till they saperate what God has join together. Aikin banza!, I kept my thought in my mind without allowing my mood to betray me.

He brought his hands, shall we? He asked.

Omg! Am fainting slowly, I esclaimed in my head.

"Yes dear", I said adjusting every bit of clothe on my body. We made the entrance. Mashaa Allah.


Lets meet in the next chappy, I promise my updates will be more frequent. I need your votes and comments please 😊😊😊. And do not forget to add to your reading list.

Xoxoxo munarii

AMINATU (COMPLETED)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz