Chapter five

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Few years after the divorce, Alhaji Muhammad fell ill and he was diagnosed with chronic hypertension.

"Dan Allah ina neman afuwan Asiya da yaranta, Khalid duk inda suke ka nema min su. Nayi Babban kuskure da na wulakanta Asiya don mace ce mai hakuri, ga biyayya, ga kuma rufamin asiri da tayi har tsawon zaman rayuwar aurenmu", those were Alhaji Muhammad's words as he lay down on the hospital bed in pain and regrets.

"Abba yanzu ba su bane damuwa ta ba, ciwonka kullum kara tsanani yakeyi. Kamata yayi a fara maganar gadon nan, and I promise you I will get them to forgive you and make us family again. Abba everyone understands the language of money, I don't think you can make it tomorrow. I want you to sign the papers so that I will start processing all what you have before someone claim our rights", Khaleed said.

Alhaji Muhammad was quiet for a moment, he could not believe his own son is only after his wealth and his wife had never visited him once in the hospital. He close his eye deep.

"Get out Khalid, just get out", he said as he forced himself to sit up right.

The doctor heard his voice and rushed to the room, "Alhaji lafiya kake daga murya haka''? He asked and sat near him.

"I can guess what just happened" he said. He took a deep sigh and continued, "your son approached me yesterday and he want you dead. He gave me options of killing you and giving me huge amount of money OR not killing you and having my head chopped off".

Alhaji Muhammad cried his soul out, he sent for his lawyer immediately and wrote his will. He gave Khalid 30% of his inheritance and Abubakar 70% including his own company.

The Lawyer promised to look for Asiya and her children as fast as possible and apologised to them on behalf of her dieing husband.

Allah has a way of doing his things, Alhaji Muhammad passed out the next morning.

Few weeks later, Khalid reported to the company as the new C.E.O and first son of Alhaji Muhammad Al-hassan. He made changes in the company and sacked almost all the elders that worked for his father.
People were afraid of him because of his non-smiling nature, he always put on a straight and harsh face.

"Bring me a hot coffee", Khalid said without looking at his secretary.
She entered the office with a cup of coffee, walking slowly and shaking every part of her body.

"What is that your name again"?

"My name is Nana, Sir. She answered.

He looked at her and saw her cleavage stirring right back at him.

"Nana am thinking if we can hang out, I want us to be close. I want us to be intimate". He stood up and went towards her with his eye directly on her chest.

'' I want us to have a dirty secret together, just between the two of us. I want us to have a thing together".
Nana swallowed hard, she shouldn't have try to seduce him all the time, now he wants them to be intimate but she want something more committing than that. She had no option than to give into his demands.



''He said nobody should go in", I told a man in suite as he made his way into the office.

I looked at my watch and saw it is almost 6pm.

"why would anyone visit him at this hour of the day"? I thought.

Mr Khalid called me after some minutes, I entered the office and saw the man laying down in his blood. '

''Nana stop looking and help me dispose this body, this is what I do to people that do not mind their own business. He is my father's lawyer and he is just after my downfall".

My legs started trembling, "Mr Khalid I cant do this, you made me a whore and now you want me to be your killer''?

He looked up at me, "Nana lets carry the body out before someone comes in".

"I cant do this Mr. Khalid". I said as i ran out and headed home. I kept seeing the picture of the event that happened, I stopped picking his calls and stopped going to the office.

I heard a message came in;

Helo Nana. I am not a killer but I can not keep future destroyers like that man alive. I miss your touch Nana and I want you to report to office immediately.

I hissed and replied:

You are a killer, I hate you. The whole world will soon know about you Khalid Muhammad Al-hassan.



Nana received a call from an unknown number telling her he have a parcel for her outside their gate. After seeing everyone she reluctantly picked her hijab and went out.
A man in a tinted car shot her and drove away. She died before reaching the hospital.

** Our story continues in the next chapter, Aminatu is in for it. What happened when he asked her to help him with some work? Will Aminatu accomplish her mission? Lets find out.....**
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