Chapter Thirteen

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Mariya pass me the school fees teller Abubakar said as he looked at her innocent smily face. He work day and night to take care of them.

Things were becoming unbearable for them seeing that mariya is in her final year and her husband does not have the intension of letting her school.

The saddest thing about this life is that non of their relative is willing to help because they have nothing. Almost all of them prefer to worship Khalid and his mum and get little change from them.

People gossiped about them living together and luckily she found her Mr. Right and the wedding took place right away. She does not have support or encouragement and the relatives were complaining of financial breakdown immediately when they get to know about the wedding.

They kept refering them from one person to another and at the end of the day just few people were able to contribute to the wedding.

Mariya's husband sensed all that and he took the responsibility of furnishing the house. He is a very nice man but jealous at thesame time. She never lacked anything except the fact he doesn't want her to school.
He told her he won't take her schooling responsibilities but if she have a means of sponsoring herself he won't go against it.

The school means so much to her because right after her mothers death she had a dream of becoming a lawyer. What triggered the dream was their fathers death and the way life was handling them both. She want to speak for them, she want to get their rightful things back and live the life she always dream of.


"You dont have to worry Abubakar,  I can still differ the session. The important thing is that you are done with your schooling and atleast you can look for a job and settle. It is high time we give up all this drama because Khalid is so clever and he always get what he want", Mariya said.

I looked at her and all I could get was a pity face.

"Actually Khalid is not my problem, I have been digging up a case trying to find the lady he was supposed to marry. I think Khalid have a hand in all that. I just want to have evidence of her kidnap and death and then file a case againt him", I replied.

"Why the sudden interest in the girl"? She asked. 

I laughed hard. "Its not what you are thinking. I like her from the first day I saw her,  its a love at first sight something. I fell inlove and love her more when I knew she was going out with him".

"And I heard she is a gold digger too. I was so happy she was marrying him atleast she could have robbed him and all he has. People like him are mostly humbled by women". She added to my statements.

"You think so"? I raised an eyebrow and looked at her.

"Dont look at me that way, I know so. Atleast she doesn't have to rip you off your poverty too".

I laughed hard. "That would have been romantic Mariya".

We both laughed and the horn sound caught our attension. It was her husband that came to pick her up. We greeted and they left.



I was sitted when the lady approached me. Her clapping sound brought me back to my senses.

"Maman Zainab ina kwana", I greeted.

"Lafiya lau Aminatu, ki shirya yau zamu fita. I want us to approach this case in a mature way. 
I want you to go and meet Khalid secretly and tell him what his wife is planning against him. I want you to visit him more often and let him trust you. 

I want us to be communicating more often,  I want you to tell him everything about our plans of killing him so that he will trust all what you are saying and disregard his wife. Tell him about how she paid for your kidnap.

'What if he tries to kill me"?  My eye popped out.

He wont kill you,  just make him trust and let him know about Samira. Since you want to help his family I am sure you would be able to get somethings that will help you. But you have to be very careful.

I hugged her and she kissed me on the forehead. Remember nobody should know you are still alife. We can visit your mother and let her know about everything.

I nodded in agreement and we dressed up and left.


We knocked at the door at exacly 9:45pm. We stood for like twenty minutes before mumcy finally opened the door. Her eye went blank and she was speechless for a moment. She wanted shouting when I covered her mouth and nodded my head smiling right back at her.

Is there anyone with you Mama? I asked.

"No, but your cousin is living with me. She had something doing but she will be coming back in two days time, She replied.

We entered the house and it changed alot. Mama removed all my pictures from the wall,  she thought I was dead all this while. We sat down and I introduced Maman Zainab to her as the woman who helped me.

"I miss you Mama",  I said as I put my head on her laps. She kept stroking me gently in my hair while I gist her what I went through and who was behind my kidnapping.
She was shocked to hear all that because Samira always visits and check up on her. She also send her some money for her upkeeping.

"Enough of mother-daughter fun"! Maman Zainab said and We all turned and look at her.

"Aminatu I hope we are safe?  She looks terrifying". Mama whispered in my ear.

"She is the best Mama,  she is so nice and she saved your daughter.  I would have been dead without her". I said it to all their hearing.

Maman Zainab revealed a big grin and then a serious straight face afterwards.

She told Mama about our plans and then told her that no one is supposed to know I am still alife. She promised to bring me with her more often and we said our goodbyes.


I got a new sim and Mr. Khalids number from Maman Zainab. I texted him in the morning knowing he was definitely at the office.

Morning Mr. Khalid. Your darling wife is after your life. Don't be startled and do not do anything to her. Her case involve police in it and killing her will make it obvious that you killed her. And again We have Aminatu with us,  do not inform anyone she is alife not even her mother. A lady is coming in hijab with a nikab,  inform securities and let her in.

Yours life saver.

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Love: Munarii

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