"Goodbye brat." Hissed Methaya.

A sound pierced from her. A whomping sound.
Like something had been turned on and was charging.

"CLOSE YOUR EYES!" Screamed Jess.
We all instantly clammed them shut. Yet that didn't prevent us from feeling the glowing white light slapping our faces.

"Run!" Cried Stiles, initiating the panic that we all were feeling. So we ran. Yet suddenly something stopped us. It felt as if gravity was against us. I started getting attracted backwards as I floated mid air.

"You really think that you would evade my psychic powers. Think again."

"Try using our powers!" Yelled Kai. Who, like the rest of us, had our eyes close.

I tried to use my powers yet I couldn't control it. I felt helpless. I couldn't help but think if Aunt Carol had taught us before, to use our powers, we would've been able to control them.

"Tutut." Sung Methaya who was waving her hand at the five floating children.

We all fell to the floor. Although grass was in my mouth, I couldn't taste nothing. Due to the fact that my senses were all paralysed. I couldn't even move. My spine was like glued with cement.

I could hear though. Hear her tail slithering on the floor. Her snakes hissing at each other, thirsty for blood. I could hear her right next to me. She lifted me with a flick and flipped me on my back, so that I was facing the sky. My eyes were still closed. She placed her cold rough hands upon my face.

"Open your eyes dear. Don't you want to see me?" Said Methaya in a melodious way. I felt transfixed, like I was in a trance. I could feel my eyes writhing to relax. It took all my strength, yet I was slowly opening it.

Yet I heard a bang and an angry moan.
I opened my eyes to see Methaya covered in slime, with Jess smugly standing over her.
"Remember. I learnt to control my powers." Said Jess.

"Ha! You think that's enough to keep ME out." Hissed Methaya. I could see her wriggling out of the slime. The slime was being penetrated by something as it melted into nothing.

Jess looked shocked and frankly hurt.
Methaya quickly got up. She lifted her hand and flicked it, which lifted Jess up and threw her on the ground, harshly.

"Jess!" Screamed Lexi, who ran to her.

"Lexi watch out." Said Kai loudly.

Methaya was slithering towards her. Although she was in front of me with her back towards me. I could hear the noise and see a faint glow which was brightening, until it illuminated the dense and violet sky. Lexi luckily had her eyes closed.

Yet Methaya's snakes chipped at her face.

"Stop, I-I." Stuttered Lexi, flapping her hands trying to slap the snakes.

"You what? Not so tough now little girl, are you. Shame. You remind me of your bitch of a mother who DID this to me." Whispered Methaya.

"Y-you deserved it!" Yelled Lexi.

"Yeah. Well you deserve this." Said Methaya as she raised her hand. I couldn't see anything as the glow was straining my eyes. Yet I could hear it. I heard bickering and then I heard a SLAP.

Methaya jabbed Lexi right in the face.
Lexi who was beaming with anger, with her eyes still closed, clenched her fist and punched forward, resulting in Methaya getting one in the face.

She screeched.
"You're going to pay for that little girl. Just like your mother and father. They begged for their life. Begging me not to find their children and hurt them on Earth. Well bummer." Said Methaya gleefully. Finally some expression. It meant that she finally felt emotions and wasn't this unstoppable machine.

"Open your eyes Lexi. Let my darling snakes see those pretty amber eyes. See I could kill you the normal way- but I'd rather preserve your body in stone."

"A-Actually I-I-it's golden. You whore." Said Lexi sassily, who's eyes were strained and tired.

"Tututut. Another bad word. Well guess I'm going to have to punish you."

"Guys I can't hold on anymore!" Yelled Lexi.

"You have to!" Came a voice nearby. It was Kai.

He was currently with Stiles who had hit his head pretty badly, while Methaya threw him.

"I-I'm losing control." Moaned Lexi tiredly.

"Bye bitch!" Came a voice from someone, cowering behind Lexi. Methaya couldn't see them. All of a sudden. I heard a great piercing scream. One which I heard before , from Carol.

"It's okay she's gone. Open your eyes."

I opened my eyes. It was Jess. The voice before.
She was holding Lexi's fragile body. I didn't know how she managed to, as Lexi was double her size, shown by Jess' arms trembling. Yet Jess was strong.

Kai was helping Stiles, who was limping, reach us. "So where is she?" Said Stiles curiously.

"The banshee scream is said to ward of enemies." Said Jess, who glanced at the rift which was shaped as a well. "When Carol used it to make me wake up from, that time I was stuck in my subconscious- I couldn't forget it- So I researched it and found out it was a banshee scream emitted from psychic powers."

"No. You don't think-" Asked Kai, in disbelief.

"Yes she's probably been sent back. But I doubt she's gone forever." Said Jess.

"Thank gosh for Carol's scream though. Saved us. Especially me." Said Lexi, who was getting up on her feet.

"That wasn't Carol." Said Jess. We all stared at her. In shock. "It was me. I did it." She looked modest but also humble.

"How Jess?" Enquired I.

"I don't know. I felt overwhelmed like I needed to scream and it happened." Said Jess confidently.

"Well if that was you. Then what was Carol doin-" Asked Kai, who suddenly stopped. He turned his head left and right, his eyes trailing everywhere.
"Where is Carol?" Asked Kai.

"Was she even there?" Said Jess shortly.

"Guys?" Said Lexi quietly. "Methaya did say she'll make me pay."

"No. You don't think she's?" Spluttered Jess, who's hand was covering her hidden gasp.

"Yes." Cried Lexi, with a tear trickling down her face. "Methaya's took her to Opentam.."

W.E.L.F.S: The Snake's Eye (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now