"I don't understand."

"Of course you don't." Reese replied. "We're letting you go."

"But you're the ones who kidnapped me in the first place." Aurora stated, still in a daze from the sleeping dust. Reese sighed and opened up her hand and Aurora's heart appeared. "Who's heart is that?"


"How were you able to get that? I was with you this entire time." Hook questioned the dark one.

"I have my ways." Reese smiled. She looked at Aurora and then brought her heart up to her lips. "Cora kidnapped you and we rescued you." Reese watched as Aurora repeated what she said and Reese smiled. She made the heart disappear again, and turned to Hook. "I hope you know that Cora was trying to do the exact same thing as we did."

"I know." Hook stated. He walked up to Aurora and looked at her, "Cora's denied us passage to Storybrooke, and my vengeance. And now, I'm going to deny her her wishes, starting with the compass. In pirate terms, you might say I'm firing a shot across my enemy's bow."

"You'd risk your life to break in here, all so you could thwart Cora?"

"Yes." Reese responded.

"We don't like being double-crossed. Now, go." Hook said.

"Thank you." Aurora was about ready for Reese to teleport her back to her friends, but Hook stopped her.

"You can thank us by doing us one favor."


"Give Emma a message. Tell her that the deal still stands. If she provides us passage back to her realm, We swear we will help her find that dust that opens the portal."

"You guys really want to assist us?"

"It hurts Cora and helps us. Of course we do. Now, go." Hook stated and Aurora walked towards Reese. She teleported the both of them out of the ditch, leaving Hook by himself. "HEY!"

"What about Hook?" Aurora questioned.

"I'll get him in a second. I just wanted to talk to you without him for a second." Reese replied. She saw Aurora starting to tense up and that made Reese smile. "Now, you tell your little group that if they double-cross us one more time... Well, they won't have hearts anymore and they'll be dead. Got it?"

"Yeah." Aurora said, scared for her life. "Can you get me to my friends?"

Reese huffed and teleported Aurora to her friends, and then walked over to the ditch. She heard Hook yelling her name and laughed. She laid on her stomach and looked in the whole, and smiled at the angry pirate.

"What are you still doing down there, pirate? If you wanted to come up here all you had to do was ask." Reese stated. She saw the anger rising in Hook and that just broke her. Reese started laughing so hard that it was concerning Hook.

"Do you really think I was just leaving you in that ditch?"

"Kind of."

"Wow... WOW!" Reese responded as she stood up. She flicked her wrist and teleported Hook up there with her. What she didn't know was that he was really close to her, so when she went to talk to him; they were nearly touching. "You have to have more trust in me, loverboy."

"I have as much trust as you do for me." Hook stated with a tiny piece of disappointment noticeable in his eyes.

"I do trust you. Somewhat. Okay, maybe I don't fully trust you but you should know that I wouldn't leave you in a ditch. Maybe I would have a few days ago, but we're closer now."

The Darker One// Once Upon A TimeWhere stories live. Discover now