I let out a small laugh, my best option right now was to stick on his good side to ensure Glenn's safety. Before getting out though I turned my back to him where my tied up wrists sat. I could easily tear through them but if I was gonna escape I needed to act normal. Plus I doubt anyone would believe these idiots that I was able to beat them up,"Could you please."

He ignored the others who said not to,and cut me loose with his arm in one swift movement. I quickly grabbed Glenn's body as two of the men who I had beat up tried to take his body away and toss him on the floor. I carried him like a bride in my arms and slid off the seat and onto the ground outside,"If I'd know it was for that , you'd still be tied up. He must be a twig for you to lift em."

"He's extremely light and also,too late now,"To keep on his good side I bumped my hip against his and laughed. Even though he smiled the second I did that everyone surrounding us raised their weapon and pointed it at me. My smile dropped as some gun clicks were heard behind me from the wall, they had watchers who were pointing guns at me. How the hell am I gonna get Glenn out of this place. Before Merle could say anything to help me I heard someones heavy footsteps coming towards us, and some of those with weapons began to make way for him to get to us in the center. The leader?

"What trouble have you brought Merle."

He carries someones scent on him...

I looked the tall man up and down as he motioned for everyone to put down their weapons,stating that we were guests. He had an air of authority surrounding him but once I met his eyes I could barely hold the growl in my throat. Evil and dangerous. Is what quickly came into my mind ,and it seemed he got the same reaction from meeting my eyes as he paused his step and I could tell he regretted his statement on us being guests. "I thought you found a nice place Merle,you were wrong."

Merle didn't understand,but the man did and he commanded them to bring their weapons up again and lead me somewhere. Thankfully they haven't taken Glenn out of my arms.

( Maggie POV )


Whether he was too shocked at seeing me and this unknown woman, or he was still broken inside Rick only stared at us as we stood next to walkers. They hadn't noticed us thanks to the walker guts the woman had rubbed onto me but I was feeling weak and her leg was injured.

I watched as Carl came rushing down the small hill inside with the keys in hand to open the gate, but he froze at the door as Rick still hadn't spoken. "Rick!" The woman suddenly pulled me away from the gate and I panicked inside as the walkers were beginning to get our real scent in the air.

"Do I help them?!"

She let go of me and the bag she had as she pulled out her katana to attack the walkers,I struggled to walk and eventually just tripped over my own feet and fell onto the floor. I heard the sound of keys as Carl took aim at a couple walkers coming too close to us. The women attacked a couple before her eyes rolled back and she fell over unconscious from her wound,"Help Rick!"

Rick opened the door and began to shoot at the walkers and I fought my own body to try and stand up, I eventually made my way over to the open door and crawled inside. Rick checked the women for bite marks before picking her up,while Carl grabbed the basket of supplies and the bag she had tossed off her back. After closing the door I was helped up by Beth who had rushed over after seeing me on the floor. We all made our way back into the building and I was sat down as Rick laid her body on a blanket and asked Beth to go get water.

"Who is she?"

I calmed myself down enough to answer,"I don't know,she -she just appeared out of nowhere to help me get away."

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