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I watched with a huge smile plastered on my face as Jungkook stumbled onto the karaoke stage with Jimin. They were probably three shots in and tipsy by now which explains Jungkook's sudden confidence to sing in front of everyone. He never- and I mean never - sings in front of more than 2 people so I know he's tipsy for him to get on stage in front of the whole bar. Jungkook and Jimin both playfully harmonized together looking for a song to pick.

"I'm in love." I sighed resting my head on Jin's shoulder.

"I can tell," he chuckled. "It's even worse than before."

Jin and I opted out of drinking, instead we took two gummy edibles. While everyone was drinking and getting drunk we both sat waiting for the high to hit us. Lucky for us, it hit us both at the same time almost 10 minutes ago when we both caught ourselves staring blankly at each other while everyone else around us were laughing and singing. Hoseok told us they weren't going to be that strong but it not only hit us, it uppercut then ran us over. We were zooted.

"This one is for all the single ladies tonight." Jimin shouted making the bar erupt in cheers and applause.

Come Around Me by Justin Bieber started to play and I rolled my eyes. This was definitely Jungkook's choice. When Changes dropped Jungkook blasted the album on repeat for weeks. I contemplated moving out. I don't have any against Justin Bieber, his music is just not my cup of tea. One of the biggest differences Jungkook and I share, our music taste. Every song he recommends or listens to, I most likely never heard of before. I would say my music taste is a mix of Jin, Hoseok and Yoongi's which makes sense why we get along so well. From time to time Hoseok and I make each other playlists which Jungkook begged me to do for him but our music taste is so different I'm pretty sure he played it once and never again.

Jungkook was a smiling fool as Jimin started to sing, they both swayed back and forth dramatically serenading the bar. Taehyung stood up at the table pointing his drink towards them singing along making Jin and I laugh. Once the chorus hit, Jungkook began to sing making me smile. I cheered for him making a few heads turn to look back at me weirdly but I ignored them not taking my eyes off of him. He shot me a wink making me giggle as Taehyung pulled out his lighter and waved it back and forth. Jin and I were in a fit of laughter and we probably looked crazy but we were so high and everything was just so funny. I snorted watching as Jungkook slowly began to take off his jacket, the audience cheered him on some even whistling at him. Jimin took this as a challenge and started body rolling on stage which made Jin and I laugh even harder.

"Why don't you get up there?" I asked turning to look at Jin.

"I'd rather not." he chuckled. "Especially not after those two, I don't sing for free. My voice is used in professional settings only."

"Oh, yeah." I giggled. "I forgot, you're a professional."

"Yes, wouldn't want to get on stage and move the audience to tears with my voice." he joked even though it was true. His voice has a way of making you feel emotions you've never knew you felt.

I watched as a group of girls rush to the stage as Jimin and Jungkook finished the song. This wasn't an unusual occurrence, Jungkook has always been popular with girls but it's doesn't not bother me. Jimin was eating it up like usual making the girls flustered after complimenting him. Jungkook was talking to a few girls, he said something that made them laugh and I looked away stopping myself from getting jealous because I had no right to be. I snatched Taehyung's drink from the table and downed it ignoring Taehyung's whines. I cringed at the taste, he was drinking whisky.

"If I knew you were drinking whisky I wouldn't have grabbed it." I shuddered pushing the glass away. "I'm gonna go order a drink."

"Get me one too!" Jin shouted as I got up and headed towards the bartender.

Golden | Jungkook AUOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz