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"Do I have to go?" I groaned, sitting on Jungkook's bed watching as he got ready. 

He nodded, "You might find your soulmate." he said.

"Yeah, I think I'm over that phase." I sighed making him turn to look at me. "I'll be fine just chillin at home."

After a long week of classes, the last thing I wanted to do was go to Hoseok's party. 

"No, you're coming with me." he argued. "And you're going to wear a super trashy outfit."

I rolled my eyes, "I don't own any trashy outfits." 

"Yes, you do." he said pulling out a black dress from his closet. 

"You fucking bastard!" I shouted getting up and snatching it from his hands. "I've been looking for this."

"Not my fault you washed it with my clothes." he defended. "I think it shrunk in the washer too."

"Should I be concerned that you keep my trashy dresses in your closet?" I asked making him laugh. "Perv."

He chuckled, "Says the one who's been watching me undress for the past hour." 

"Free show." I shrugged. 

"Just hurry and get ready." he laughed pushing me out of his room. 

When Jungkook said trashy, he definitely meant it. One slip up and my ass will be on full display. I don't know why I'm dreading this party so much. I haven't seen the guys in a while and it will be fun hanging out with them again but I just have a really weird feeling about tonight. Jungkook wouldn't stop talking about it either, he's been going on about how Dahye was going to be there as well. I think it's been so long since Jungkook has told me about a girl that I'm just afraid of losing my best friend. Ever since they had their date last week, my feelings have been overwhelming and it didn't help that they had been texting even more. Now that we're older, I cant always be with him. I think I'm just having a tough time getting used to having to share Jungkook but I'm glad he's found someone, I guess. 

"Yugyeom is here!" Jungkook shouted from outside of my door. Jungkook convinced Yugyeom to drive this time so we wouldn't have to walk in the cold. I don't mind being around Yugyeom, he's very nice and sweet but I don't ever really get the chance to be around him unless I'm with Jungkook. 

I instantly regretted not bringing a jacket the second I walked outside. I mean I looked amazing but I know I'm going to freeze to death tonight. Jungkook, like usual, wrapped his arms around me to keep me warm. He didn't let go even when we got in the car. 

"I hate driving with you two." Yugyeom groaned starting the car. "I feel like an uber driver. Why can't one of you just sit up here?"

 "She's cold." Jungkook said matter of factly. 

"The heat is on!" Yugyeom shouted making me laugh. 

The drive was short since the house wasn't far. Jungkook spent most of the ride complimenting me and my trashy outfit. Usually when he tells me I look pretty I ignore it but tonight it was cute. Made my heart warm. Once we parked, Jungkook held my hand and walked towards the house. Yugyeom was somewhere behind us.

"You look really pretty." he said once again. 

"I know, you've told me a million times tonight." I laughed. "You look nice too."

"Not even the stars can compare to how beautiful you look right now." Jungkook smirked making me blush. 

"Shut up." I rolled my eyes. 

Jungkook was extra clingy today, he held my hand the whole way into the party and kept it held even when we found a place to hang out in the kitchen. Yugyeom and Jungkook both were talking about something dumb with Jaehyun while I stood at his side just scanning the room. From time to time, he would give me a little squeeze. 

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