𝟶𝟸 | 𝚋𝚞𝚜 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚙

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You opened the fridge to grab a yogurt for breakfast.
God how you loved yogurt.
You weren't very hungry this morning after the intense argument your parents had yesterday.
You had completely given up on your essay.
The topic was difficult combined with the fact that it was a 10 page paper made it quitting material.
The paper was due this morning and it was a huge part of your grade but you couldn't find it in you to care.
Not like you enjoyed school anymore anyways.
As you sat at your the island in the kitchen you slowly ate your strawberry yogurt.
You noticed a photo frame on the floor, it must have fallen yesterday.
Obviously no one had cared to pick it up.
After walking over to the frame and turning it over you realized why it hadn't been picked up.
Inside the frame was a photo of your parents on their wedding day.
Letting out a sigh, you placed the frame on a shelf where it belonged.
You threw your yogurt away, you didn't feel hungry anymore.
Grabbing your bag for school you took out your keys and headed to the door.
Your house was always quiet in the morning, so different from how it was when you came home and heard all the arguments.
You locked the door and began the walk to the bus stop.
You didn't have a car and you didn't think having one was necessary either.
You had always taken public transit to get around and for the most part you liked it.
This was your favorite part of the day, the morning.
Walking here by yourself allowed you a moment to pretend that you didn't have anything in life dragging you down.
The sun was always softly touching the trees, dew sprinkled the grass everywhere you looked, and the breeze was fresh and chilly.
You were usually the only one at the bus stop in the morning but this morning a boy was sitting there waiting for the bus.
He had the kind of looks that made girls wipe drool from their mouths, and you were no exception.
Out of all the days he could've been here he just had to show up on the day where you looked like a rabid animal that hadn't gotten enough sleep.
You sat down next to him and tried to make it seem like you weren't checking him out.
The boy had a backpack with him and you wondered if he went to your university, you had never seen him around before.
Maybe he was a transfer?
On top of being a potential candidate for winning an award for most handsome man of 2020, he had a very appealing sense of fashion.
He was dressed in a white long sleeve, with slacks and some sort of dress shoes.
He was decked with rings and had many piercings in his ears.
The boy dropped his phone, startling you as his phone landed underneath you.
You quickly reached for it and picked it up.
"Ah I'm sorry about that haha, I'm so clumsy."
You turned to him and handed him his phone, smiling nervously, "No problem I am too, did you get any cracks?"
He examined the phone before making eye contact with you again, "Luckily I didn't, sorry about that again, do you go to Smeraldo University?"
You were surprised at how friendly he was, most people wouldn't make conversation. You cursed yourself feeling like you were being an awkward sack of beans. You didn't really have many friends and you weren't exactly talented with conversations.
You nodded, "It's my first year, do you go there too?"
His eyes shrank adorably from the grin taking form on his face, "Freshman," he teased, "I go there too, it's my third year."
The bus arrived and you both boarded it.
The bus was packed and you were forced to be separated, cutting your conversation short.
Darn you really wanted to keep talking to him, you were hoping to make a friend, something you really needed.
After several lengthy stops you had finally arrived at campus.
Everyone pushed their way to get out and you were swept along in their rush.
You looked for the boy hoping to continue the conversation and maybe walk with him a bit.
You saw him walking the opposite direction, talking on the phone.
A small pang of disappointment filled you before you refocused your attention on trying to make it to class on time.
You were surely doomed.
Your paper wasn't printed, much less finished, this would definitely harm your grade.
Anxiety filled you as you entered the class room and sat down.
You nervously fiddled with your ID and unconsciously shook your leg.
Your professor walked in and motioned for the class to turn in their assignments.
Everyone got up to turn in their thick packets of misery.
Everyone except you.
"Miss Jeon, you're not going to turn in your paper?, you can't turn it in after this class."
She called you out, wanting to embarrass you and your classmates giggled unsympathetically.
Love that.
"No," You squeaked like a mouse wishing to disappear.
Today was gonna be a long day.

A/N: Can you guys guess who Y/N is related to? 👀

DESTINATION:📍in love (p.jm)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz