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Hello! So I'm doing another chapter, and yes I know I said I wasn't going to, but it was bugging me that I wasn't continuing to write so here I am! Enjoy!

(Ps. I also went back and changed some stuff so you might want to go back and reread some parts like the past three chapter, maybe past four chapter. That doesn't include the notes and shit) 


I walked up to the fates and upon reaching them I bowed deeply. Even I would bow to them Ikm not that dumb.

"Rise." Clotho spoke. 

"Why have you brought me here? Have I already not received my powers?" I asked dumbly, confused as to why they still wanted me here.

A small smile coated all their lips at the same time." Their is one more thing we would like to give you, but it is simply an offer. Feel no pressure to accept. What we are about to offer to you though must be accepted in person." They paused then continued." We would like you to make our champion Perseus Jackson."

I was stunned in all honesty." Um..." I coughed awkwardly thinking through all my options." Sure..." I agreed. Now, you might be screaming at me about Annabeth and Elysium and all that stuff, but the fact of the matter was we had both agreed (before going into battle) that if one of us dies we would go for rebirth. I was never going to see my Wise Girl again. 

The three fates smiled in sync." Good." Then reaching out their hands they sent a blast of power of me, throwing me to the floor.

Pain courses through me as I struggled to breath. Tears clouded my eyes, but I refused to cry. I never had cried to before, I wasn't about to start now. 

Slowly the pain subsided and swinging my arm I wiped away sweat from my clammy head and peeling my eyes open everything seemed brighter, my ears picked up on everything, and I was honestly scared. Forcing my self up slowly, I grunted. The fates were gone, but their was no way I just faked that pain. Stretching I felt new power coursing through me. I mean, I had felt it before when the gods had blessed me, but this was different. 

Forcing myself to my feet I stumbled out of the warehouse, got in a Main Street and hailed a taxi. Getting in I told him wear to go and soon I was being taken away, back to Stark's tower. 


Sorry it's so short, but it's a chapter...

Percy... a dead spirit (Percy Jackson and Avengers crossover)Where stories live. Discover now