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Okay so you know how at the beginning of the story that all the demigods had died? Yeah... so... I'm changing it... Nico is going to be alive still. He lived because he was in the underworld helping his dad control a bunch of rebel spirits that were trying to destroy them. 

Back to the story!


3rd POV

Percy woke up the next morning in his room and stretched. He stood up a let out a loud yelp and fell back onto his bed when he saw his cousine, Nico standing in a corner.

Pulling himself together Percy stood back up." Hey Neeks!" Came the cheerful welcome.

Nico stepped out of the corner and nodded his head." Percy."

Steve Roger's POV 

When the Avengers saw that Tony was live streaming Percy's life to the YV in the living room this morning, we all knew this was going to be a long day. When we saw a persons walk out of the shadows that Percy had greeted we also knew it was going to be an interesting day.

Sitting on the couch I grabbed some popcorn that Clint had brought out and started eating. 

3rd POV

"Whatcha doing here?" Percy asked.

"Just checking up on you. Your dad sent me. Believe me, if I wanted to be here, I would hepave already visited you." 

A frown covered Percy's face." Why are you mad at me?"

Nico froze, eyes starring at Percy with a unreadable emotion.

"Is it about Bianca?" Percy walked over to Nico." Because I am so sorry. I wish day after day that I could go back and change what happened."

Nico's face turned to anger." No Percy. I'v already forgiven you for that, you know it. Stop fucking blaming yourself!"

Percy was taken back.

Nico breathed out." Look Percy I'm sorry, I know lately has been hard on you."

Percy shrugged his shoulders." Nah, your good man. You want to run out a get some breakfast."

Nico hesitantly looked at Percy." Sure." He struggled out." Meet you down on the street." Then turning back to the shadows he disappeared.

Percy stood up quickly dresses and took his medicine. Then glancing over himself one more time he walked out. Heading to the main room he found all the avengers sitting on the couch watching 'Guppies' and wearing confused and guilty faces.

"Can I head out. An old friend of mine just texted he's in town and we were going to grab food together." Percy asked, ignoring the fact that even with how childish they are they should not be watching the Guppie show.

Tony shrugged his shoulders." Sure, have fun."

With that. Percy bounded off forcing himself to take the elevator so he would look normal.

Percy's POV

I walked out onto the street and saw Nico leaning against the wall looking at me. He seemed tired. 

Walking over to him I spoke." Their a great place down the street called Biscuit Head, wanna go?"

Nico shrugged his shoulders and begane walking in the direction I was gesturing of where it was. We walked in awkward silence, we sat down in awkward silence, we ordered, then banane to eat. Nico with his 'Gravy flight' and 'Gouda fries', me with my 'Sriracha maple sausages' and my 'Brisket Biscuit'.

"What's wrong?" Nico finally said looking straight at me.

I turned my head and ket my hair cover my eyes a little as I looked to the floor on the left of me.

"What do you mean?" I responded.

Nico sighed and out his firm down." Don't play dumb with me. We both know what I'm talking about."

I looked up to my cousine. When had he grown up? I still remembered the first day we met so vividly. He was so young and innocent." The doctors say I have schizophrenia."

"And you don't?" Nico raised an eyebrow, guessing.

"Yup." I popped the p. 

"They gave me medicine, it's not helping, but you can guess where the voices are coming from. Medicine won't help."

"The pit?" Nico guessed.

"The pit himself."

Nico shuddered." Look Percy. I know we haven't always been on the best of terms... mainly because I spent about three years of my life trying to kill you..." we both let out a week laughed at that." But if you need to talk to me percy, we're family. No matter for absolutely fucked up our family is." Another laugh.

"Thanks Nico, really." Percy sighed.

"Anything else?"

"Nah." Their was no way I was going to tell Nico that I was probably about to puke all the food up I had just ate, and was about to eat.

Nico stood up abruptly and slammed a bunch of money onto the table, then grabbing me he pulled me out of the restraint and into an alleyway beside it.

3rd person POV

Percy was slammed against the wall and he let out a grunt. Nico got real close to Percy and gabbed a finger up at him.

"Look Percy. I know how you work. You always take the brute force of the pain for everyone else! I'v seen you in pain. You keep that gods damned smile on you face while your run through with white hot rods of metal, and don't even say otherwise because iv seen it! Your so loyal always putting others welfare before your own, and that's why I love you so much! But..." He was cut of.

"What did you say?"

"It's not important Jackson. We're talking about you! Not what I'm saying!"

"Yes it is important. Did you just say you loved me?" Percy said again.

"STOP!" Nico yelled, tears falling from those beautiful eyes. 

And with that, the younger demigod shadow traveled off.


Sorry that was so bad, I know it sucks, but their it is...

-ur demigodishness 

Percy... a dead spirit (Percy Jackson and Avengers crossover)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt