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Heads up -- I have not read the actual Kane Chronicles I started but so much of the mythology in the books was incorrect and it was really bugging me so I stopped. That means not everything will be exact. I have read the comics though so I kinda' have idea of what happened.

If I get anything drastically wrong please tell me!


Percy landed in a trash yard. He pulled his wings in -rather painfully to - and threw on a shirt he had tucked away in his pocket.

Walking over to the metal structure to the left he walked up the rusty stairs and to about where he remembered the door to be. Percy stopped and stood their glaring at the seemingly hidden mansion.

"Look." He said." I know someone sees me. Could we just make this easier for us all and can you just let me in. I'm here to see a friend."

Suddenly the door swung up and the last person Percy excpected to see appeared.

"Drew?" He stuttered.

"Percy?" She responded cocking a perfectly manicured eyebrow." What are you doing here?"

Percy ignored the question." I thought you were dead!"

Drew rolled her eyes." Some people have more than one home Jackson."

"You know what happened?" Percy whispered, his face contorting to one of sadness

"Yes." Drew sighed lazily inspecting her nails acting like she didn't care, but Percy looked at her and knew she cared. A lot.

"Can I come in?" Percy asked, deciding to not comment on the obvious pain Drew was hiding.

Looking at Percy Drew smirked." I don't know hon." Furrowed her brow mocking him as she pretended to think.

A young boy with blond hair and a bright toothy grin came up and stood next to Drew." Hey!" He exclaimed rather happily.

"Go away Felix." Drew sighed, rolling her eyes.

"Are you going to let me in?'' Percy sighed exasperated.

Drew smiled." No." Her voice sickeningly sweet.

Percy scowled." You know what? Get out of my way."

Drew yelped as Percy pushed roughly past her and Felix.

Storming in Percy bypassed the statue of Thoth and walked into the main room where a bunch of magicians were sitting.

They all looked at Percy unsure." Who are you?" A buff black man asked.

Percy stared at him but ignored the question. He continued to scan the people sitting down. Huffing he marched to the bottom of the stairs and yelled up.

"Sadie and Carted Kane get your asses down here right now before I have to come up their and re arrange your organs!"

The magicians all looked at Percy in shock, still confused.

"You listen hear boy." A woman said standing up and stalking over to him.

Percy inspected her. She looked a lot like the way Carter said she did.

"I don't know who you are or how you know were hear but it would be much appreciated if you left."

"It's okay!" Percy heard Sadie scream from above them as she and Carter were seen running down the stairs.

Sadie walked up to Percy and pulled him into a hug." It's good to see you."

Percy chuckled returning the hug." You to."

She pulled away and glared at him." But the threatening to rearrange my organs was not welcome.'' She punched him in the gut as she took a step back for her brother.

Percy bubbled over groaning and laughing at the same time.

"Oh stop acting like that hurt Percy." Carter laughed saying and helped Percy sit up.

Percy rolled his eyes sheepishly.

"What are you doing here anyways?'' Carter asked.

Percy rolled on his heels." Well I had a little mix up and down the government and Avengers are after me-" He was cut of by Sadie.

"Bloody hell Jackson?" Sadie exclaimed." I'm not even going to ask how that happened..." She trailed of and walked towards where everyone was sitting. More specifically where Walt was sitting. It was still a little weird for her that he an Anubis had joined as one and true; at first she was very mad at them. But she was getting used to it.

"Yeah anyways... the thing they were after I put it into that duat thing-y that you guys have and I can't get it out." Percy admitted sheepishly.

"Sense when could you access the duat?'' Carter asked incredulously.

"I taught him a trick or two." Sadie called out from her spot on the couch.

"What is it Jackson?" Carter huffed.

"A ruby dagger."

"And why do you have a ruby dagger?"

"The government stole it so I stole it back." Percy shrugged like it was the simplest thing ever.

"I'm sorry who is this?" The person who Percy assumed was Zia spoke up.

"That is Perseus Jackson." Drew smiled." Bane of Monsters. Retriever of the lightning bolt. Bane of Ares. Retriever of the Golden Fleece. Holder of the sky. Defeater of Scylla, Polyphemus and Hyperion. Slayer of the Nemean Lion. Master of the Labyrinth. Bane of Hades. Survivor of the River Styx. Murderer of the Titan Lord Kronos. Praetor of New Rome. Survivor of Tartarus. Torturer of Misery. Slayer of Gaea. Son of Poseidon, Grecian god of the Sea, earthquakes, storms, and horses."

Percy shuddered not wanting them all to know that.

Percy... a dead spirit (Percy Jackson and Avengers crossover)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora