A new year, a new day, a new Percy

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     As soon as Percy had called the police, he collapsed, letting the darkness overtake him. He was done, why live anymore? His family was gone, his Wise Girl was gone, and his friends were gone, he had no one. 

-time skip-

     The light was blinding, he had just opened his eyes. Percy lay on a bed, in what looked like a hospital room. Looking around he saw a doctor writing on a clipboard. Groaning, Percy attempted to sit up, but the doctor quickly put the board down and stoped Percy from doing so." You need to rest, not sit up." He said. Percy cursed under his breath, seeing technology surrounding him, and hoping since he had broken off connections from the gods that it wouldn't  malfunction.

"Why do I feel like shit?" Percy asked, his voice hoarse, and his mind swimming. The doctor chuckled slightly,"  you have a mild concussion,  it should wear off in a few days, then you'll be good to go, but until then you'll be here."(I don't know if that's how it actually works, but go with it) . Percy groaned, quite unhappy with the situation.  The doctor ignored him and his silent protest, and continued to talk," since you have no living family or relatives, you'll be put in an orphanage, it's called Eliada Home,  and is run by Olivia James Hamilton. (That is an actual place) " fun,"  Percy whispered to himself, but the doctor heard and let out another small chuckle. 

" here's a picture of it," the doctor said, and handed Percy a photograph.

" here's a picture of it," the doctor said, and handed Percy a photograph

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"And here is one of Ms. Hamilton 

     Percy looked at the picture and internally shattered, he knew that she was mean just by looking at her eyes in the picture

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     Percy looked at the picture and internally shattered, he knew that she was mean just by looking at her eyes in the picture. The war had changed him he could do that now, he can read people just by looking at them, not even listening to them talk.  Annabeth could do it better, she can do everything better, but he tended to grasp some of her tricks.  He forced a smile, that convince the doctor." She looks nice."  He commented, that's when it started. 

     (From now on, italic is Percy's thoughts, bold is me talking to u, and regular is the narrative)

     Why did you lie? You lied because your nothing but an empty waist of air, no one wanted you, they turned their backs on you talking behind your back about how weak you are, and you only proved them right when you let them die

      Then their was another voice nothing but a waist of air, mass, and space. Your useless and you know it. Why bother talking, it won't do you any good anyways. 

     Percy shuddered and whispered," shut up." The doctor  looked up," hmmm?"  Percy's head darted to look at the doctor,"  nothing, I was talking to myself." The doctor wrote unsatisfied at this answer but he didn't bother depressed knowing the state no the boy was in The doctor would unsatisfied at this answer but he didn't bother to press for their knowing the state of the boy."  You should get some rest, I'll leave and check back on you tomorrow, food will be brought in in a few minutes."   Percy nodded weakly, not hungry but willing to try to eat.

     After a few minutes a nurse, as said, walks in to Percy's room and set a bowl of soup in his lap. Nodded at him, then walked out, closing the door behind her.  Percy glared at the bowl, like it would make it disappear, he want to take a bite of it but the voices started up again. 

     NO!NO!NO! Don't eat that, you are  worthless,  you shouldn't have the same privileges as all the other living people in this world because they're good and considerate, but you deserve to die you let your friends and family die, no one deserves food after that .

     Slowly  Percy put down his spoon, he put the bowl on the desk next to him, and slowly forced himself to sit up.   Then, he slowly slid his legs over the side of the bed and let his feet touch the floor, standing up took a lot of Energy, but he managed. Percy grabbed a bowl of soup and slowly across to the room to the bathroom he walked Dan, dumped the soup in the toilet, then  he flushed it. Once again Percy made the journey back to his bed where he laid down. Where he let the bowl sit on the table, the voices in his head telling him he did a good job, then he  went to sleep.

     In the morning Percy was congratulated for eating the soup, and was told he would stay there for six more days then he would be taking to the orphanage. The days pass by in a blur, Percy was unsure of what was happening all the time, but in the end when he was finally in the car on the way to the orphanage, he snapped out of his trance, and let the situation fully sink in.  He  rolled the pill bottles he had in his sweatshirt pocket nervously and looked out the window. There was one for ADHD, one for dyslexia, and many more including depression,  anxiety, panic attacks, anorexia, and schizophrenia. (I don't know if there's actually pills for all of these, but go with it)  Somehow,  The doctors figured out he had all of these, someway or another but even with all of these pills that helped him, some of the disorders were so strong that the pills only helped so much, and right now he was on the verge of crying just from the thought of having to meet new people.

It seemed a new chapter  Percy's life had just started, a new year, a new day, a new Percy.


 And  it's another chapter, once again I apologize for spelling errors, please leave feedback in the comments, and tell me if there something you want in this book,  I know where it's going, but I can always add in extra stuff. 

                                          -Ur demigodishness 🙇‍♀️                       (That's me bowing to u)

Percy... a dead spirit (Percy Jackson and Avengers crossover)Where stories live. Discover now