The Test

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"Kakashi Sensei?"

"Hmmm?" Kakashi muttered, jerking awake. Who had spoken? What time was it? He was barely able to open his heavy eyelids, feeling like he had only just closed them.

Which was probably exactly what had happened.

It was dark in his bedroom, so it must still be dark outside, but the silken, warm skin touching his own under the covers, the flowery, sandalwood scent pleasing his nose, carnal fulfillment still relaxing his body like nothing else could...

It hadn't just been an erotic dream. Sakura was here with him, in his bed.

"Helloooo," he cooed, temporarily distracted from looking for a watch. He bent over, his lips feeling their way from behind her ear to her soft mouth, his hand tracing the contours of her luscious body from her arm down to her hip.

"Wassupizearlyno?" she murmured in his direction before burying her face deeper into the pillow. He smiled.

"Sleep some more," he whispered though his body reacted with an urgent wish to make love. Was there anything he enjoyed more than pleasuring her?

No, he decided. Nothing.

Officially no longer just colleagues for sure. Lovers. In love. So much.

It still hurt, there was a lot of unfulfilled yearning and uncertainty, but the happiness that washed over him at the memory of what had happened, of what had been said last night made it briefly unimportant that even though she was here with him, they had solved nothing.

"I love you," he whispered into her ear, "please stay with me forever. Can you?"

"Kakashi Sensei, are you there?" someone asked outside.

"Oh, SHIT!" Kakashi muttered under his breath and scrambled up. Kaeru!

He must have overslept. His fingers found the alarm clock, he squinted at it, seeing nothing. Where were his trousers? Groping around in the dark he found something, but they must be hers, they were tiny.

"I... I am," he said, hopefully loud enough for Kaeru to hear him but not so loud as to wake Sakura. She only stirred a little and then lay still again.

"Sensei, are you ill?" Kaeru asked with concern, now right at the door.

"N... no no, not at all," Kakashi assured him. "Wait... I'll be out right away."

"Sensei, you missed your first meeting!" Kaeru admonished him.

"Really? That's... not good...," what day was it anyway? Tuesday? Damn, he was tired. Yes, Tuesday. Tuesday meant... testing. They wanted to start testing today.

"Micha is still waiting," Kaeru informed him. "It's now 7:12 am. He said something like 'good morning, my fish' to me, I was very confused."

Micha? Okay, it wasn't too bad then. Kakashi's hands finally found his trousers on the floor and he put them on hastily. He was in need of a shower but that had to wait. Shirt... shirt? No shirt.

"Coming," he murmured, stumbling towards the door and opening it, blinking against the sudden light in the living room until his eyes adjusted.

Kaeru, standing right in front of him, frowned at him. "Sensei, you look horrible. And... I can see your whole face!"

"Had to happen one day, enjoy it," Kakashi said a little annoyed at himself for not even remembering to put on a mask and hastily closed the door behind him before Kaeru could poke his nose in.

"You have dark circles under your eyes. You didn't sleep well? Ah... nightmares again," Kaeru nodded knowingly, stealing another good glance at him.

Getting Lost on the Roads of Life - a KakaSaku Story [CONCLUDED]Where stories live. Discover now