Leader of the Pack

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Kakashi was having a very pleasant dream.

And because this was entirely new to him, he kept wondering what was going on, expecting either a surprise attack from behind the bushes or suspecting that he must have fallen prey to a very clever genjutsu. This managed to almost spoil the pleasantness, but while a part of him stayed alert and distrustful, the much bigger part gave in completely.

He was human after all, wasn't he? And from time to time, humans needed to indulge.

His back was resting against a tree and he was stroking Sakura's pink hair, but only very lightly so as to not wake her. She was cuddled up against his chest and when she exhaled, the burst of air coming from her mouth moved her fringe up a little, affording him glimpses of her beautiful face. Pakkun, an askance crown of flowers on his pudgy head, was slumbering happily in her arms, snoring like only dogs could snore, his front paws twitching erratically from time to time.

How Kakashi longed to kiss her as he watched the fringe move and observed the slight movements of her lips every time she drew a new breath.

It was quite the dilemma, because as much as he wanted to press his lips against hers, he also did not want to wake her. She had worked very hard with hardly any rest in the last few days, she deserved to sleep for many more hours.

The longing grew stronger though. He was normally relaxed and balanced, seldomly roused to extreme actions. But that also meant that once his emotions were stirred, he did not know how to temper himself.

He knew her lips were soft but demanding, capable of lighting a fire in him that took awhile to extinguish. She was always shy when they met again after some time but only until he managed to enrage her. He was glad that was easy, because he liked her feisty, slightly violent side by far the most. But even more than to touch his lips against hers, he liked to touch them against the velvet skin of her glorious body, liked to inhale that special scent of hers that made him think of a forest of pine trees after a sudden downpour in the midst of summer as he let his lips and tongue travel. If he had to choose, his favorite part was probably that cute little belly button where he...

"Are we having a pleasant dream?" a deep voice asked.

What the... "Pakkun?" Kakashi groaned, opening his eyes wide and lifting his head.

It was only just getting light outside, a gloomy sort of grayness indicating the day was not quite ready to start yet. He realized he was in Sakura's apartment, on Sakura's sofa, with Sakura's head on his thigh. Well, Sakura and Sasuke's apartment and Sakura and Sasuke's sofa to be precise - and he had just had the kind of dream no man should have about a wife not his own.

Pakkun sat on the fauteuil near the bookshelf and yawned extensively, showing his formidable teeth.

"Pakkun," Kakashi whispered, "what are you doing here?"

"Trying to find out why you are holding that woman like she's a treasure," the dog answered and looked at Sakura's head with suspicion.

"I am not...," Kakashi pulled away his hand that was resting on Sakura's hair. After a brief moment of reflection, he put it back. He was talking to a dog. There was absolutely no need to justify any of his actions to a dog.

"He he," Pakkun chuckled, "you are easier to handle early in the morning, I am making a mental note."

"State your business," Kakashi said sharply, thinking that he knew how to summon his ninken, but had no clue how to make them disappear again.

"Huh," Pakkun remarked loudly, peering at his face, "do you need coffee?"

"Shhh," Kakashi hissed. "Quiet."

Getting Lost on the Roads of Life - a KakaSaku Story [CONCLUDED]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz