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"Somebody told me to believe in better times..."

Let's just say, I wasn't ready for this. Like, not at all. Shots rang in my ears and I followed Zane into the large room where the rest of the team stood, masks on, ready to fight.

A swell of pride rose in my chest and I went over to them and was handed a sword by my brother. "Ready for this?"

I smirked under Coles old mask, reclaimed as mine. "But the better question would be is Jax ready for this?" Jay smiled in response and we all faced the lights as the door flew open with a blast.

My eyes adjusted in a flash and I saw Jax prance through the smoke. "Lovely day isn't it?"

I could slash that smirk right off his face. "Wonderful. Shut up already." Cole shouldered his way to my side and gave me a supportive smile which I returned.

"I'm surprised to see you here, my love. I thought pretty boy was keeping you away from all the fun!" Jax stepped closer as his back up filed through the door. A mix of serpentine and Chen's old minions, all with horrifyingly wild looks in their eyes.

"The party doesn't start til I'm here." I glanced back to the team and winked to them before giving Cole a shove. "We're at your orders, boss-man."

His eyes lit up as he realized that I was giving him his leadership back and his smile grew into a goofy grin. "Let's take this SOB down."

Sounds of clashing metal pierced my ears as my sword met with Chops. Beside me, Cole tussled Jax to the ground, kicks and punches being thrown from Jax but to no avail. I mean, Cole was a ghost. Made him harder to beat up.

I slipped to the side as Chops sword hit the ground with a clash. A wink and I swung for him again, across his middle. A little hop back, and it was avoided but not before I could sweep a foot under him landing him on his stomach. "Stay down. We don't want to have to do anything we'd regret." I placed my sword on the back of his neck and he nodded eagerly. "Good thinking."

I stepped to the side and ran quick to Lloyd, who was being dog piled by the enemy. Ripping a few off, I helped the blond to his feet as we faced the circle around us. "Thanks." He muttered and we quickly pushed back our opposing forces and watched as they fled along with Chop. A high five and we ran over to the rest of the group.

Cole held Jax with a blade at his throat. Though caught by his leash, Jax still held onto his moxie. "No hard feelings, big guy. She was just a way to get into the group."

In a second, he was flat on his back, a while away from us, grasping his chest as he coughed and choked. Cole set his jaw and raised his chin. "You better start running before we change our minds."

A wide-eyed Jax sat up and stared at us, his gaze lingering on mine. Through narrowed eyes, I glared daggers at him until he scampered away, tail between his legs.

I turned to face the team. "He'll be back, I'm sure."

"Aw man. Terminator? Really?" Jay whined which made everyone chuckle in response.

"Well until then, we'll be getting ready." Cole smiled and cast a grateful glance at me.

I laughed and spun a circle on the deck of the Bounty, happy to be home. "You stupid old ship, I missed you!"

An friendly face caught my eye and I quickly ran to Wu, wrapping the old man in a hug. "I missed you, Wu."

"Welcome home."

I slung myself onto my bed, feeling happy to be home. I pushed myself and rolled over, something catching my eye. Propping myself up on an elbow, a smile spread across my lips as I took in the mural the guys and I had painted so long ago. Beside it was taped up my pictures; a menagerie of stills of the team and I. My hand found one that Cole had stolen almost a year ago: the one with me on his shoulders in the rain with Lloyd sulking in the background. With a smile, I pulled it from its place on the wall. A flicker of something flittered in my stomach as I looked at it. A simpler time, really. I went to stick it back up on the wall, but it slid to the ground when the tape didn't stick.

I bent to pick it up as I realized there was something scrawled on the back of the picture. Of course there was.

I still love you.

The wild hand writing with looping letters was unmistakably Cole's.

I rapped a knuckle on the wood door and opened the door after I heard a muted "uh huh".

With a tentative smile, I sat on Coles bed watching him throw things haphazardly in his dresser. After a few minutes he sat beside me, slow and unsure.

A quick breath in, and I shoved the picture into his hands. "I've been thinking," I started, as his eyes took in what I had given him, "that... maybe we could start over. That maybe we could start again and go back to this." I flipped the picture over, letting him see his own writing, from who knows when.

"I was thinking, maybe we could go on a date sometime? Because I think I still love you, too."

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