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"If you ever wanna join me baby, I'll be dancing in the dark..."

I hissed, tugging at the mask tied tight to my face. My floor length black dress shone and swirled around me. It hugged my waist and thighs before flaring down to the floor. High necked and beautiful, Nya said it accentuated my curves.

Lights low, people swarmed and glided around me. A hand rested on my arm and I frowned. "You look great." Nya whispered into my ear.

She had a vibrant red dress on, tight with a sweet-heart neck line. A flaming mask held her eyes, which matched her brother's. I shrugged and flipped my hair behind my shoulder. "Of course I do. It's my party."

Nya rolled her eyes behind her mask and giggled. Her eyes watched the people flouncing around.

Jay was in a simple suit, a pretty blue mask over his face.

Kai was over dressed, of course. Red tux with tails and a mask matching Nya's.

Zane wore a simple white shirt with black dress pants and an icy blue tie. An icy mask matched his tie. Apparently, Kai helped him pick it out.

Of course, Cole was here. I mean, he was on my team. I caught my breath as he caught my eye. He was dressed in all black, a stunning black lion mask hiding most of his features. From under it, you could only see his mouth, which curled up into a smirk.

Oh, Lord. Heck my life.

Where was Jax when I needed him?

My ex flaunted over, his green transparent skin setting him apart from the crowd. I turned to the side and cursed under my breath as Nya slithered away from me. What a good friend.

He came to stand beside me and I let out my breath. "Apparently, I should've been your date. We match. It'd look cute in pictures." Cole cast me a genuine smile and I dared send one back.

"Of course that would send the wrong message, because I am dating someone else." My smile turned sour and his fell.

He fell silent after a while, rocking back and forth on his feet. We stood there, watching as everyone began to spin and dance to the music.


"Yeah. Old enough to get wasted."


"You are a horrible person."

"I'm kidding!" Cole laughed and shook his head. I watched the crowd, but from the corner of his eye, he watched me. "Care to dance?"

I stiffened and huffed. "Jax-"

"Oh good Lord, Y/n. He is bad news, I'm telling you! Come on, if he was a good boyfriend, he would be here." He sighed, draining his anger and held out his hand.

"I've been practicing." His voice fell to a whisper and he turned to face me. "I've been practicing staying solid. So... we could dance."

My eyes went wide and I felt my cheeks burn. Thank God for this mask.

"Fine. It's my birthday. I expect a thank you."

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