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I hoisted my pack further up on my shoulder, bouncing on the tips of my toes.  A smile played at the corner of my lips and I raised my eyebrows at Cole in question.

"Alright. Where is it?"

"Where is what...?"

"Don't play games with me, boy." I shook a finger in his ghostly green face and started pulling at things on the shelf and kicking at the floor. "I know there's a secret switch here somewhere."

Cole scoffed and I knew he rolled his eyes at me just then. With a hand, he gently pushed me aside and meandered over to the kitchen pantry. He pulled out the baby fire hydrant and pressed a small blue button, a smirk laden on his lips.

I stuck my tongue out at him as a trap door under the pantry opened into a staircase leading down. Cole took my hand and pulled me down after him, the light around us growing dimmer the further down we went. Eventually, we reached the bottom where the lights flicked on with a snap. There, in an underground garage lay the pride and joy itself, Cole's car. A ruffed up old Jeep, a deep navy blue. Pretty sure he named the thing.

I cast a glance towards him as I settled into the passengers seat. "Pretty impressive you can drive as a ghost."

"Don't jinx it."

I chuckled and propped my feet up on the dashboard and settled in for a long car ride.

I blinked my eyes open at against the sun's harsh dying rays. Adjusting my position, I sat up and rubbed my eye.

"Well good morning sleeping beauty."

"Har har." I grumbled and he scoffed at me. "How close are we?"

"Actually just a few minutes out. Just got off the phone with Kai. He said they just holed up in the old factory off 56th." His brows scrunched together as he spun the wheel and the car turned down a busy city street. "You sure you still wanna do this?"

A frown and I glanced up to look up at him. "You don't have to baby me. I know what I'm doing." I crossed my arms over my chest like a child.

A sigh escaped his lips and his eyes refocused on the road. A few more twists and turns to make sure no one was following us. Old factory doors opened with a squeal and Cole parked the car.

I flew from the car into my brothers arms and he held me close. "You okay?" I asked and pulled back to glance over his beaten and bruised face. He tossed his head to the side and smirked.

"Never been better." Jay leaned back and thought for a second. "Okay maybe there was that one time that was a lot better..."

"Alright jokester." I shook my head with a smile and quickly gave warm welcomes to the rest of my teammates. Nya led me over to a table where papers and files were spread over a rusty and barely holding up table.

We spent the rest of the light pouring over the information we had on this group Jax led. Cole leaned over my shoulder the entire time, close in case he was needed.

"So you and tough guy are cool now, huh?" Nya questioned as she led me to a room around the corner where she had claimed as "lady space."

I shrugged, indifferent. "I guess. Back to being friends."

She scoffed and laid the lantern down on the floor next to an air mattress covered in blankets and pillows. "We'll see how long that lasts."

"Excuse me?" I gaped.

Nya just shook her head and I grumbled under my breath. She gave a small little sigh and met my eyes. "He still loves you, Lux. And deep down somewhere, I think you still love him too."

She flicked the switch on the lantern and darkness enveloped us. "I say put your lady pants on and deal with it already." Nya whispered to me as I snuggled down under the blankets.

I'm not sure if I was ready for that yet.

I awoke to someone shaking me awake. It was Zane, looking frightened as ever. "A horrible time for a good morning, but we are under attack!"

Hey losers. Just kidding. You guys are the coolest. Guess what? I finished this chapter. And guess what else? I think I'm back. This quarantine has made me realize a lot of things. Like how we need to band together and be there for each other. And how we need content to keep our minds off all the crap that's happening. So I'm going to finish this story. I hope I can do the third book too. I also want to say that I'm here for all of you guys if you ever need something. :)

Thank you very much for all of the birthday wishes! It was the best 18th birthday I could have asked for even if we were under lock down.

Here's to what we have in store.

-xoxoconstellations :)

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