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Warning: some language in this chapter. I'm sorry, I hate it too. But... yeah sorry.

"Find something that makes you happy and don't let anyone take it away from you..."

"So, today I was thinking... maybe we could go out for dinner? Well not go out, but like we could set up a nice table, dress up nice and... I don't know." I let my voice trail off as Cole sat on his bed. He was helping me clean up his room, and I was picking up clothes. His job was to fold them and tell me where to put them back.


I froze, setting down the grey shirt and giving him a sideways look. "Um, because we haven't gone on an actual date in forever... you know, how one normally acts in a relationship?" I cleared my throat and slid the shirt in the drawer next to its friends.

"You still want to do that?"

"Excuse me?" My breath caught in my throat and my fingernails dug into the drawer.


My hands went from the drawer to tugging at the ends of my now short hair. "What? You're not serious... right? You still love me right?"

He shrugged.

I nodded. "Great." I picked the shirt back up and flung it at his head. "Glad to know that my time, effort, and love was wasted on someone who couldn't give a shit about me!" I yelled and he winced. "You know what, get your own lazy ass up and take care of yourself for once." I took a step forward and gave him a soulless glare. "Because we're done. I'm not wasting my time on someone who decided that I'm not worth it one day. All I do is give and all you ever do is take, because oh, woe is you. Pathetic. That's what you are.  Because one day you'll wake up and realize that you lost me. And it's never going to be the same." And I slapped him across the face.

Jay held me, his soft blue eyes crying along with mine. His hands absently played with my hair as I wiped my face with my sleeve. "I don't understand, Jay..."

He sighed, and shook his head. "He's... different. He'll come to his senses."

"I don't want him back if all he ever did was show me fake love. I don't want someone that couldn't return the favor because it was too much work."

"You're better off without him then..." Jay, the usually talkative one said and shook his head, red locks falling into his eyes.

I tucked my head back onto my big brother's chest and closed my eyes.

"I have an idea. How about you and I go on that date?"

"Jay, that's weird."

"Not like that! You said you wanted to go to a fancy dinner with him, right?" His voice rose an octave, clearly excited. I nodded, and he continued. "So how about we go out to a fancy dinner? You dress up pretty, and I'll look stunningly handso-"


"-right sorry. But I'll take you on a 'date' like dad used to with you."

He sat up, and gave me a hopeful smile. "Yeah?"

I laughed and nodded as he wiped away a stray tear from my cheek. "Yeah. Sure."

Nya frowned as a hissing sound let off as she curled my hair. "It's not working!" She frowned and stomped her foot.

"Shoot... what else could we do with it?"

"KAI!" Nya shouted and I winced as Kai threw the door open.

"Yes, your majesty? I think I lost my hearing in one ear..." he saluted Nya and winked at me.

"Come do Lux's hair. I can't do it. I'll get her dress."

I managed to zip up the dress and looked at myself in the mirror. Kai managed to make my hair the most beautiful it had been since... whatever. He curled it and pulled it back with pretty jeweled bobby pins. It was gorgeous, with stunning makeup to match, also courtesy of Kai. (Was he secretly a makeup artist?)

I felt pretty and for the first time that day, I smiled.

With a quick check to make sure I had no lipstick in my teeth, I strutted out to my audience.

Kai and Nya smiled and cooed over how pretty I looked. Jay sat in silence, smiling. "You look gorgeous, little sis."

I smiled and curtseyed to him. My gorgeous plum wine red dress flared out with shiny stones at the bottom, with more rhinestones at the sweet heart neckline. I felt so stunning and elegant in it. It was picked out courtesy of Nya and Kai and I twirled around in it, and it swirled out around me.

Jay rocked a gray suit with a tie to match and a cute little pocket square. His curly hair was slicked up and he stood up to take my hand. "You look stunningly handsome, good sir." I teased him with a snicker.

He rolled his eyes and giggled. "Ready for your limo ride?"

He pulled open the car door for me, to our sad little shared vehicle. Jay did say he managed to clean it up for me and the white car sparkled. I hopped in, and as I glanced back to wave a goodbye to everyone, I saw Cole standing at Wu's side. I frowned and in an act of pure spite and pettiness, I called goodbye to everyone but him by name.

He didn't know what he had lost.

Affinity: [Cole X Reader 2]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن