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"It's easier to bury my head in the sand sometimes..."
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I didn't bother to knock, instead just let myself into the dark room. I flicked on the dim lights over head lights. Which, was really just one light bulb because he had taken out the rest. A growl came in protest but I rolled my eyes.

"Babe, you have to start coming out sometime. You can't stay in here forever."

With a sigh, I walked over to him, and after a few tries I hauled him onto his feet. My warm hand met his cold face and he leaned into it.

He wore the same clothes he always wore. A giant black sweatshirt and some soft pajama pants. I made him change every now and then so I could wash his clothes for him. I held back a whimper and he closed his eyes.

I wiped the stray tear away and gathered my composure. "So, it's a nice warm night and it's dry so I was thinking we could go look at the stars. Everyone else is asleep..." A heard him sigh and he reluctantly nodded. A smile spread across my face and he intertwined my hand in his. Once he caught my gaze, he gave me a shaky nod to tell me he was ready.

He had gotten so thin and weak, I had to practically carry him as we walked. His broad shoulders now drooped and his arms were no longer muscular, instead frail. My heart ached, seeing him like this but my hopes rose knowing he was actually coming outside for the first time since the incident.

We stepped outside beneath the stars and onto the deck of the ship. I led him to the center, and helped him sit down as I slid next to him, my back up against the mast of the ship as he laid his head in my lap, looking up at the stars.

They softly twinkled far above our heads, pinned to the black backdrop behind them. There were thousands of them, each a different but beautiful color. We sat in silence for a while before I spoke up.

"I know you don't want to, but we need to start getting you back. The team needs you. I was thinking-"

"The team doesn't need me." He cut me off which caught me by surprise.

"What? Of course we do. We need our strong Cole back. Master of earth, ya know?"

"You and Nya replaced me."

I physically flinched and held my tongue for a moment before I could reply. "I'm only helping because they were short someone. I wouldn't be on once you're back."

He didn't reply, just turned his brown eyes back up to the sky.

"Okay. So, maybe tomorrow you'll join us for breakfast? And well progress into getting back into the normal rhythm...?"

"Sure. Whatever. No water."

"I know, babe. We wouldn't, we don't want to hurt you." I shook my head and played with a lock of his long black hair. It had grown so long that it curled at the ends, little soft loops which looked cute. Maybe if we cut it back super short, it would all curl up.

"Can I go back now?" From my lap, Cole asked growing impatient.

I let out a long breath and nodded. "I guess."

I knocked on his door that morning, and without waiting for a response, I pushed it open.

Cole sat on his bed, looking just as he did last night. I pressed a kiss to the top of his head before running to get a comb and scissors from his bathroom. "Just a trim before we eat, okay?"

Without a word, he got up and walked into the bathroom so I could trim his hair.

A quick few snips and he looked presentable. I combed through his drawers to find a simple outfit, dark jeans and a slim fitting black T-shirt. I handed the folded clothes to him and smiled. "Don't be late. Zane's cooking, just for you."

I sat at the table next to my idiot brother and where my depressed boyfriend was to sit. Everyone was happy and excited this morning, mostly to see Cole. I had given them a swift run down, and made sure that they knew how to treat him; not any differently than they would normally. Devin followed me in this morning and plopped her giant self under the table at everyone's feet. Zane clattered around in the kitchen, where delicious scents warmed the air. Kai kept cracking jokes to Nya, who looked like she was about to punch him. Lloyd and Jay were trying to launch things with their forks as I watched with laughter at their failed attempts.

Just then, Cole came in, shuffling his feet. His ghostly green glow reflected off his clothes, and he bit his lip as he slid down next to me, leaning into my side. Everyone gave warm smiles and "good mornings". Kai even complimented his hair which I took because I was the one who did it.

At first, he acted shy only responding when we talked directly to him. And when Zane brought in the food, which consisted of biscuits and gravy and orange juice, Cole just ate quietly. But as we began to finish up and have a friendly chat, he seemed to lift a little, even put in a few comments here and there.

We were all really proud.

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