Start from the beginning

Like how someone can be that nice. Like how is that so easy to forgive and in a snap treat us like his real brothers. He is so selfless. He wanna make everyone happy around him while he himself isn't. He wanna do anything to the people around him while he doesn't even experienced than himself. How can be someone be so loving even if he grew in a harsh environment with his abusive parents and abusive lover. How can be someone treat others not with his flesh like his own brothers. How.

"Hey Minjae, you're always spacing out. Maybe because you lack of sleep, come here sleep, you've done much already caring me day and night."

There it is again, the ever loving hyung he is, the thoughtful person that he is. Our superman, he is my idol because of that. I wanna be like him, to be that selfless in terms of love but not a paij enduring human because of love he holds on to.

"A little bit later hyung"

"Minjae the only sleep you got was like only 30 minutes!" He nagged at me.

"I promise hyung, I will sleep but let me just be awake so I can play with you. I don't want to be a sleepy head here while you play with them. That is just unfair, don't you think?" Smiling at him with a puppy dog eyes, oh hyung you will fall under my charms.

Yoongi grabbed his slippers and slapped Minjae's butt with it that resulted him to yelp and pout even more.

"Ow hyung!"

"Okay let's play then after that you'll sleep"

"Yes hyung I will!"

"Hey we are here! Come on let's play already!"

Everyone settled in the mini table Yoongi's room has, each of the boys taking their places on the round table placing everything that is needed. From a set of UNO cards to board games and Play Dohs they throw it in the table some even landing on the floor given on the amount of thr things that has been placed on the tiny space. They've also got big bowls and glasses for their snacks which they will consume for how long they will play there.

Yoongi catches every smile the boys gotten and plastered on their faces. How they acted childish and so free. They're always giving him attention no matter how they are tired. He was really concered on their health status because of course, they are younger than him which he believed that these years are still the years they are growing and needed a lot of sleep and food in order for them to grow. He insisted that he can handle it by himself but these guys wouldn't listen to him and asked him not to be babied anymore. But they are my baby.

He just gave in though half heartedly but any regrets about his decision, he didn't feel any of it. He wae actually glad how they are handling things, serious ones as of now, their age. Many people have said that experience was the best teacher anf maybe this young ones also believed in that saying, and so was he. He is happy, and so grateful that these hours have finally camr upon him.

The hours where he can be happy and just be himself without no judgement and no restraints. Where he can be happy, just happy without holding back. He is happy with Jimin but he can't help but to feel that he doesn't belong there. The feeling of isolation he feels when he is in there house, the feeling of being captive and unwanted.

I am happy with the man I love, I truly do. But sometimes the pain in my heart just blooms knowinh that he wouldn't love me the way I do. That from the beginning of our story there was only the end and never a climax. Our story was written but abruptly ended. The promise he said it just washed away like a sand in the seashore, where there is no turning back, being kept in the heart of the see but never did seen. How I wish that from the first place, he, loves me.

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