Omega 1

585 17 0

Min Yoongi

"Birds chirping, fresh air hitting my face, light rays of sun hitting the canopies, small flowers and shrubs surrounding me this is paradise. Beautiful nature surrounding me as I turn around. I slowly took a step letting my foot feel the soft texture of grass. Step by step I felt relaxation, happiness as I slowly explore the forest. I saw a waterfall deep in the heart of forest. Peace, that's what I felt when I first took a step. Peace I can't be found years and years. It consumed me ignoring the fact that maybe wild animals were lurking around the area until I heard a low growl. I quickly look at my back finding the noise came from but nothing. Fright consumed my system as a lone wolf appeared in the woods, eyes red raging with pride, wrath and it makes me back off a little. His scent was raging it's an alpha's scent. The wolf made a low growl and wolves started appearing one by one. I started to run until I tripped off on some twig, the alpha topped me and growled so loud it made my knees feel jelly, I'm frightened with my life, even if I am miserable I still want to live and be still until that promise will come true, unless he'll come back. The lone wolf was about to kill me, guess I'll just accept it, little by little his fangs come closer to my face until....."

I've woken up by the sun hitting my face. I'm all sweaty panting and such. Damn that was horrifying I really felt that was true. I just made a painful smile, once and for all I will be happy just in dreams but that alpha, that alpha made me so weak, a pure evidence I'm just a weak, useless omega. I just sighed and looked up in the ceiling rethinking of what life I'm living on right now. Another day to be consumed, another day of living in my hell hole, another day of suffering. It's been years and years of waiting, waiting for a positive idea to come again in my life once again. I detached myself to my beloved bed even if I don't even want to.

Going to the bathroom to prepare myself on going to university. I checked my reflection, this, this person, an ugly, hideous human being. Pale lips, skinny body, sharp jaw line, my rib cages are very visible, the healthy glow every one adored back then was gone, even my pale complexion was even more pale as of now. Scars littered everywhere in my body due to those bullies at school but that doesn't even mattered to me, almost all of these came from my own blood, my parents. Not to mention my scars as well, I caused them I always thought self-harming was the best and only escape from this unfair world. "Why are you still living, you don't even worth it..." I said to myself before proceeding on taking a bath.

Not long after I go straight downstairs only to be meet by sounds of yelling and screaming as well as crashing of plates. Anyway I've grown used to it so I quickly left the house to school not to be noticed by my parents.

As I've entered the university, everything is in the way they are, a typical school with different types of students. I slowly walk down the hall ways being noticed by few groups of student, as always making fun of me. I'm quite famous here, not in the good way though but being the only male omega, such a disgrace as always they say. Growing used to it, I silently walked to my first class lowering my head and ignoring those students starting my day like it used to be, a hell zone

Everything was horrible, even at school, so always I'm at the library downing myself in to the different world of books, music, or simply sleeping, at least I can't feel the pain. I bolt off the library when I heared the bell rang not noticing a boy on my way, I tripped off spilling my things and such. I smelled his scent, Alpha. It's clearly essential I masked my own for me not to be identified as omega or I will be in great danger.

Omega's are just toys for Alpha's a submissive baby maker, a sex toy. Its a disgrace to a family to have a son being an omega, I just accepted my fate.

"What happened here Jimin"

Shivers spread to my body, this... they're....

I need to get out of here. But that name, it simply is familiar

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