Omega 5

212 14 0

Min Yoongi

I am so disgusted with myself after doing that. I cried so hard last night replaying what happened that same night. I looked pathetic and disgusting. The things I do for money. It makes me wanna throw up. The humiliation coursing through my veins when they left me there all dirty literally, disgusting words came from their mouth before they left and slap me with a bunch of money. All of that, I did it for my father, just to provide what he wants but no one, no one even appreciates, checks and especially no one knew about this. How it killed me inside, how I want to go against it, how it tortured me emotionally. No one.

Instead, they've done the same old ways they do to me. Torturing me physically and emotionally. I'm left yesterday, in the room, all beaten up staring at the ceiling realizing how fucked up my life is. It just went like that, same old days. Few weeks just flown, Sun rises and sun sets I'm left everyday, starving and beaten. I can't even go to my work, I can't attend classes even if I do want to. School is my escape to this house.

I forcefully get myself up in bed starting my day once again. Same old loop I'm living, same old style, it's all the same. It's like I'm living in a damaged CD, same loop, error and at last same damage. The word change doesn't even live in my life.

I went downtown to school, the entrance was flooded with students in the university but I also noticed students from different schools. I pushed past the mob and the school is worse. Worse than the entrance, the quadrangle have booths and rides. It's like an amusement park brought to school. students flooded it, checking the booth one by one. Fast food chains also built their own tents. Hallways are full. As I walked around I saw people setting up a stage in the gymnasium. It looks like an arena or something where concerts are held.

Banners were everywhere saying its the 93rd anniversary of the school so technically its foundation day today. No classes I guess, I'm not informed since its been a week since the last time I went to school. Once again I dived in the ocean of people proceeding to the lockers. Might as well jusg enjoy this day but not with this damnit heavy bag. I opened my locker as soon as I get there. I got my phone and wallet and my keys before locking it again. I have enough money to enjoy this event.

I went outside letting the time flew past. I tried booth after booth. I tried ride after rides until I can feel the exhaustion. It's 8PM in the evening when I settled myself in a bench eating some chips. Maybe my whole day was nore enjoyable if I do have accompany but since it's Yoongi, its impossible.

I was startled when the sky lighted up with fire works. The light went on and started dancing with a lively music. I was intruiged on whats happening, I followed the crowd and what welcomed me is the opening of the competition of the main event. The Battle of the Bands and Dance Revo has just started and the arena was nearly full since its free except for the outsiders. I picked up a good seat and watched in awe as the opening went on. The MC went on the stage officially starting the program. A bunch of boys went pass through me and occupied the seats near me. I was in front, it's like a VIP seat since I was so close to the stage.

Again I was startled when I heard his voice, I've been hidinh from him all day long. Exerting every force I have to avoid him but here he was, Kim Jongin the man I kneeled to, was sitting on my side. I've chosen to ignore him praising all the high forces above when a girl seated on the vacang seat in the middle of us. I acted I didn't heard him since the sounds are wild enough to damage your hearing.

I focused on the performance groups after groups went on the stage the transition of the Dance Revolution and Battle of the Bands went on. I was enjoying the music when I noticed some movements beside me. Jongin and the girl switched seats. Oh gosh I'm fucked up again. I was panicking on what am I gonna do until he held my wrist and pull me close to him. I can hear his breath, the proximity between us is so close that I can also feel his hit breath in my neck. He whispered onto my ear saying "Yoongi, your scent, it so strong". My eyes enlarged, I can't breathe, I'm sweating. Oh God what am I gonna do, this school is full of alpha. The locker room is so far and besides the gymnasium is locked everyone inside isn't allowed to go outside. Jongin just stared at me while me I'm panicking inside not knowing what to do.

I relaxed myself, and talked to him asking him for a perfume and gladly he has but all in negative forces reeking on him he says the he can still smell me 100 meters away. The stage lighten up again, the band Burn The Stage was performing. I saw the Alpha I'm always cross paths to these days. They went on their performance. They performed 3 songs before they sang their entry, it was called Fake Love. The vocalist named Jimin was doing so great, it make me forgot the situation I'm into. When the song was nearly finished the vocalist took a deep breath and reach the very high notes. The crowd went wild but me, I'm caught into his stares again. He's diving deep into my soul. But there's something in his face. Curiousity and everything was unexplainable, I can't read him

The award went on, Burn the Stage won it but the members went to the crowd instead proceeding to the backstage. I'm shocked when they went face to face with me, even Jongin was shocked. I don't even know why until the Jimin guy took my wrist and dragged me with them to the backstage. I turn my head to Jongin silently begging him for some help but he ignored me. He's an alpha but he's such a coward until I realized this man, he's an alpha as well. I guess-

I was caught off my trance when he pushed me into a wall, he was so strong as I pushed him, I was so terrified and scared. He put both his hands on the wall not letting me escape and put his face near my neck and took a very deep breath, "Your scent, I can smell it mile away, sweet scent of different flowers in spring with a touch of icy cold breeze of winter. You smell so good, Omega...."


I didn't reached my quota lol I wa so lazy to update it. I guess I put my expectations so high. I was thinking of  making this chapter a 700+ words but here it is lol. Writer's block killing me >_<. Anyways thank you! I hoped you liked the encounter, I'll continue this in the next few chapters even me I'm not satisfied with my work it didn't reached mh expectations . Anyway, FLUFFs and the real story is coming up. Happy reading ethereals.❤


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