Omega 2

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"Nothing just a stupid student, let's go dorks" The man named Jimin said to the 5 boys who arrived just now. Their auras shouts darkness, power it makes me intimidated plus their very perfect appearances. Sharp jaw, pale and tan skins, very beautiful eyes, red soft lips, these six men infront of me was just so perfect, compared to me a useless trash. They left me there, dumbfounded, they made weird faces before they left, it must have been me, staring at them unconciously.

My heart was pounding so loudly, they're different from the other students I know that and of course encountering an alpha is very dangerous for me, being an omega. Because of my weak nature Alphas can take advantage of it. I'm just so glad they didn't cared that much or do something to me, maybe they're new ones in this university. I stood up and picked my things going straight home but before I can even reach my home I detoured going to the nearest drug store,  I needed more medicine to hide my scent especially to the Alpha, this is the only thing I spend my money, even I'm out of budget. Masking my scent was more important than to spend my money to some food, I will just throw it up, no one knew this though, as if anyone cared.

On my way home, I saw a park. Trees surrounding it some flowers grew on the side and a cool air is surrounding the area. Families with their children playing. Running, playing with the seesaw and swings. Some solo flight with their dogs. Groups of students laughing in some area, some are studying on the benches. Some having a picnic while some people is just sitting there enjoying the happy ambiance and the weather. Weathers so fine. we're in the middle of the summer and its somewhere 4PM in the afternoon so the sunlight doesn't burn that much. I liked the ambiance so I went for a walk around the park, I ended sitting on the grass at the middle of it, watching the fountain, enjoying it's beauty.

I closed my eyes letting the cool air hit my face. When I opened them again I saw a family, playing, laughing with their children, the man's wife is pregnant so she was just watching on the side while the man plays tags with their little children. Happy, natural, smile was plastered on their faces. Their smiles reaches their eyes. I was just staring at them, envying how much they're happy, living their life to the fullest while me, I'm miserable person but no one cares. I've always want that type of family, but being an omega, I never experienced it. I looked up to the sky, to stop my tears from falling, reminding myself I'm fine, reminding myself that this, this is my fate. I rethink my very own life decisions, keeping silent as I indulge the moment, understanding some points in my life. I didn't realize the time as I was consumed by my thoughts. The people were gone as I was left alone in the park. I looked up to the sky seeing stars. Peace, but as I checked the time, its already 8PM. horror consumed my body, I hurriedly picked up my things and rushed straight home

I've entered home only to be met by my drunk dad. Damn he smells so bad, I was just going the other way when he pulled my arm harshly. "You dirty dog, the disgrace of this family, why are you late? Anyway give me your money I need to buy some shit" my so called father shouted at me. "Sir, I already spent it I don't have anymore, my boss don't pay me that much he still didn't pay me this month" I replied to him lowering my head afraid of what's coming next. I knew my dad so very well, he always punish me even if I didn't do anything. Not long after, my horror just happened so fast as much as I predicted it to come. He dragged me into the kitchen gripping my arm so tight probably leaving bruises tomorrow. My eyes widened when he turned on the stove, dragging me near to it in the process, he dragged my arm on fire. I screamed in agony and pain as I feel my skin slowly burning.

There's nothing I can do about it, only left to cry. Screams and screams came from me as tears also cascaded down my face. He kept it like that for 5 minutes, before he pushed me on the floor. I gripped my arm hoping it can somewhat relieve the pain I'm feeling, my skin is burnt, few drops of blood dropping on the floor, I was about to stand up and go to my room to treat it but before I can even do that my dad has returned having a whip in his right hand. I can only shut my eyes and whimper as I wait for it to land on me. First Slap I whimpered from pain pushing myself on the floor and making myself a ball, slap after slap my skin slowly breaks, few drops of my own blood is covering me. I whimpered and screamed due to the unbearable pain I'm in right now. He stopped, I silently prayed it also stopped but not so long after he delivered punches all over my body. My body going limp, I can not feel my body anymore, my vision going black but my father doesn't stop. My conciousness slowly leaving me. "J-just kill me, I wanna die" I said to myself before drifting off to darkness

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