Omega 4

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I started to prepare myself, picking up my things I needed to school before walking downtown. Its a bit earlier than my class but I need to go to my workplace, its payday today, said my co-worker. Its still early in the morning so a strong scent of coffee hit my face as I opened the transparent door of the shop. There's a few customers in here, probably just dropping by or taking their breakfast ready to start their day.

I went straight to the boss' office. I don't have a bank account so it is hassle to me claiming the money. I knocked on the door twice until I heard a muffled sound 'Come in' then I twisted the door knob and went inside.

"Good morning Mr. Byun" I said to my boss then making a 90-degree bow. It must be an overreacted movement but my boss is an alpha and he knows that I am an omega, even though I'm always hiding my scent. I need to pay respect.

He raised his head, diverting his attention to me on what was he doing on his laptop.  He fixed his glasses before speaking. "Ah, Yoongi I guess its about your salary, here it is" handing me a white envelope but before I can even reach it he spoke some words " Don't even question me about it you know the reason" before diving himself again on what was he doing.

I said thank you and bowed to my boss before going out. I grabbed some coffee before leaving the shop. It still have an hour or so before school so I went to the nearest park, probably a 15 minute walk away from school. I went to an empty bench, placing my coffee beside me and taking a hold of the white envelope. I took a look on what's inside the envelope. My face fell when I counted it, it raised  just a little, I expected more than this but my boss reminded me not to question it. Yes even if I take a lot of overtimes, the time of my shift was to blamed and the my absences was quite a lot this month.

Damn this won't even do, my father demands money from me again and clearly he knows its my payday. I will be totally robbed later. I budgeted my meds for this month and I can only buy for a week or so. My allowance and the money that needs for school things is out of the list. Damn what am I gonna do...

I'm messed up, its not the allowance or what but its my medication. I need more money but I don't know where will I get it.

I started to walk to the university, its almost time for my first subject. Many students crowded in the quadrangle, maybe signing up for the battle of the bands, an event to be held next week. flyers was everywhere announcing the event, and the speakers in the school was going wild announcing this is the last day of the registration. Damn this school, everything was so loud.

I proceeded to my room rushing, I've only got 3 minutes to get there. 1-minute late the teacher won't allow us to enter his subject, damn stupid rules teacher makes though. I cannot understand the whole class, it was all formulas, numbers, equations and measurement, its not math, its science, double the hardship because we need to follow rules. Damn this causes me a headache. I tried to receive and sink in my teacher is explaining right now. I just waited for the lunch break bell to rang, spacing out into the classroom, clearly showing I've given up to the lesson.

I exited the class as fast as possible. Damn I needed to go out before my head explode from all the lessons. If I saw the crowd so loud earlier I entered the university, it doubled right now. I made an annoying groan, checking what possibly is happening right now. I pushed myself to the pooling crowd, the screaming, jumping, and taking video crowd. Oh gosh what is happening to the people right now. I reached in front of the registration table successfully but probably getting some annoyed looks from the students I slightly pushed. I saw six men standing from the registration table signing the registration form for the two events, the bands and the dance competition, they're not moving a muscle at all except their hands but the students are taking pictures or recording a video. Some or screaminh catching the attention of these men.

I was caught in their eyes as they faced the crowd, its my third time meeting these guys. They're the same ones I met last few days. They're still mysterious to me. Their eyes held the same cold stare that pierces to one's eyes once you made contact with. It's still red and flaring. Holding a cold, emotionless but shouts pride. The one with the Alpha scent, his eyes landed on me. We stared for a flash second then they left the crowd. Its weird but I got intimidated when his eyes landed on me. My heart was pounding like crazy, like I've known that person somewhere, like there was a connection built when our eyes landed with each other. It was a feeling I cannot explain. The crowd left the quadrangle, dispersing a little some going to catch up with the six men while some going to the cafeteria while some are still there for the registration.

I left the quadrangle to take a fast lunch since I still need to study in the library. My class continued the rest of the day until it was time for me to go home. I need to go home early, it was my father again, what's new. But still, I'm stressed out about the money my meds is out, its will last only for a week or in 5 days. damn I need to get out tonight to find money. Fuck why is this world rolling in the power of money? Its so unfair

On my way to the gate rushing to go home and making the time a little longer for me to make a sideline later, Kim JongIn and his friends suddenly blocked my way. Damn why in this situation.

"Hi omega" He said lifting my chin, smirking at me. "Jongin-ah, I need to get out of here please" My eyes begging him to let me go. Plus they are a group of nasty Alphas and Betas but some of them are just humans.

"Why would I do that? We just met right now and you want to go that fast? Na-uh omega" laughing at me devilishly.

"Please, I need to make more money right now, let's talk about this some other time" pushing myself onto them silently hoping I can't escape them but they circled me, slowly dragging me into an empty room. They locked the doors and closed the curtain, switched on the light them Jongin faced me.

"Oh is that it? Well I will give you what you need if only you accept my offer". I want to rethink of it, but still I don't want to, but I wanna say yes, there's no other options. If I go out tonight there's a 50-50 chance I'll make money. "I don't have all night Yoongi" Jongin said interrupting my thoughts. Its no money or money.

Even if, even if I don't want to. "Yes" closing my eyes, facing it. Jongin and the rest of the people inside the room flashed a smile, lustful, devilish and proud smile. I kept my head hang low until he lifted my chin and said those filthy words "Kneel omega, Kneel"

and I was left there. disgusted with myself

Hello!  I'm back. I'm very thankful for the sudden boost of this story. I'll make the encounter in the next chapter and once again Thank you very much! and anyways I am not! I am not ready for my own smut but we'll get there honey but no, not today see you in the next chaps❤


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