The Silent & Pronounced Alif

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Have you ever noticed some people who seem to be present, can also seem to be

invisible? Or sometimes they're loud, and at other times they're so quiet, they're
not even noticed...? Alif can do the same. Did you ever know? Find out below..
There are seven "alifs" in the Quran that that are sounded when stopping and
silenced when continuing through in recitation. These alifs are signalled by the
round sukoon-like shape above them: ( o )

These seven alifs are as follows:

- All occurrences of the word anaa ( ) أناwhich have this symbol. When stopping,
the alif is sounded for two counts (madd tabee'ee), but when continuing
recitation, the alif is just sounded as a fat-ha. Example,
Read as:
when continuing: ana lakum () أن لكم
when stopping: anaa .. lakum ( )أنا .. لكم
- This rule applies for the following words, in its own respective manner:
[Kahf 38] Read as:

when continuing: laakinna huwa ()لاكن هو
when stopping: laakinnaa .. huwa ( ) لاك ّنا .. هو
[Al-Ahzaab 10] Read as:

when continuing: al-thunoona hunaalika ( )الظنون هنالك
when stopping: al-thunoonaa .. hunaalika ( ) الظنونا .. هنالك
[Al-Ahzaab 66] Read as:

when continuing: al-rasoola wa qaaloo ( ) الرسول و قالوا
when stopping: al-rasoolaa .. wa qaaloo ( ) الرسولا .. و قالوا
[Al-Ahzaab 67] Read as:

when continuing: al-sabeela rabbanaa ( ) السبيل ر ّبنا
when stopping: al-sabeelaa .. rabbanaa ( ) السبيلا .. ر ّبنا
Let's note this case. Scholars of the Quran have noted that it is permissible to
stop on the word salaasilaa with a sukoon, or to stop on it with two counts on
the alif:
[Al-Insaan 4] Read as:

when continuing: salaasila wa aghlaalan ( ) سلاسل و أغلالاا
when stopping: salaasilaa .. wa aghlaalan ( ) سلاسلا .. و أغلالاا
when stopping: salaasil .. wa aghlaalan ( ) سلاسل .. و أغلالاا
Now let's note two special cases.

The word qawaareeraa in surat Al-Insaan, verse 16 is never pronounced as a
long vowel when stopping. And it is always pronounced with a fat-ha when
continuing. This also applies for all the occurrences of the word "thamood" (that
contain this silent alif).
[Al-Insaan 15] Read as:

when continuing (after both words): qawaareera qawaareera ( قوارير
) قوارير
when stopping (after the first word): qawaareeraa .. qawaareera ( قواريرا
) .. قوارير
when stopping (after both words): qawaareeraa .. qawareer ( .. قواريرا
) قوارير
Read as:

when continuing: wa thamooda ( ) و ثمود
when stopping: wa thamood ( ) و ثمود
Be careful to never mistake these alifs for the other "normal" ones...
That's all for this tajweed rule. Too easy

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