Heavy and Light Letters

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There are three types of Arabic letters regarding the heaviness and lightness.

1 - Heavy letters: خص ضغط قظ

Method of pronunciation:

The reciter should raise the back of the tongue when pronouncing these letters. The heavy letters have the quality of Isti'laa 2 "rising high". Because while pronouncing them, a part of the tongue (mostly the back part) rises up to the roof makes the letter sound heavy.

2- Light letters:

All the letters other than the heavy letters and the temporary heavy and light letters

Method of pronunciation:

The reciter should lower the back of the tongue when

pronouncing these letters. The Light Letters have the quality of Istifaal "falling down", by lowering the tongue when pronouncing the light letter.

3-Letters that are sometimes light and sometimes heavy.

Alif Madd

The quality of Alif Madd being heavy or light depends on the letter
preceding Alif Madd. If the letter before Alif Madd was light, so Alif Madd should accordingly take a light sound. And if the letter before Alif Madd was heavy, so Alif Madd should accordingly take a heavy sound.

Alif Madd

It depends on the preceding letter. If the letter before Alif Madd is light, Alif Madd should be pronounced light. But if the letter before Alif Madd is heavy, then Alif Madd should be prounounced heavy.

Laam in the word Allah

If there is a Fatha or a Dhamma before the word of Allah orAllahum, then laam in Allah will be heavy.

Example: هوَ الله

If there is a kasrah before the word Allah, then the Laam inAllah or Allahum will be light.

Example: لله

The Ghunnah for the Ikhfaa

1- Heavy Ghunnah
2- Light Ghunnah

First: The Heavy Ghunnah

If the Noon Saakina or the Tanween is followed by one of the heavy
letters ( ),خ ص ض غ ط ق ظthe Sound of Ghunnah should also be heavy:

Example: من طغى

Second: The Light Ghunnah
If the Noon Saakin or the Tanween is followed by a light letter, the sound
of Ghunnah should be light.

Example: من جاء

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