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Sans had to admit, he has no idea what's been going on. He had been avoiding Frisk since the shopping trip. That had been a week ago, and it hadn't been easy for him since then. Rubbing at his shoulder, the skeleton wasn't sure what was with his joint pain lately. It mostly happens in the morning, he would feel it a lot more when he was waking up and rolling out of bed.

Shifting his shoulders, he felt the crack of his bones before he reached forward and grabbed a hold of a shirt that was clean and threw it over his head. He had woken up again with nothing on. It made him curious as to why this kept happening.

It irritated him to have this much pain in his bones when he doesn't even know why that was. It just seemed rather odd that he was having this much trouble, and it started after Frisk's birthday party.


'I can't believe that she agreed to go out on a date with that guy.' Sans thought to himself while covering his face. Of all the things that he had done at the store, it had to be snapping a pen in half due to his own anger. Jealousy? He didn't know, and it just pissed him off all the more. He shouldn't be jealous, he didn't have a right to be jealous and yet he was.

Rubbing at his face, Sans wasn't sure what he was to do. He wanted to check on Frisk, wanting to make sure that she was okay on this 'date' of hers but at the same time he couldn't. Knowing that if he did try to spy on Frisk, she would never forgive him and that was something that he couldn't have right now. Taking a deep breath, the young skeleton made his way over toward the door of his bedroom and walked out.

Maybe he needed some breakfast that would be enough to take his mind off of Frisk right?

Once he made his way to the kitchen, he saw that Papyrus was just setting the table for breakfast. Sans could at least smile at this, it was nice to be able to eat the moment he got down here. Papyrus looked up at his brother as he asked "YOU OKAY BROTHER? YOU WERE ACTING ODD THE LAST FEW NIGHTS OR SO!" That had Sans a little confused, wondering what could have his brother so worried about him while he was asleep.

He was asleep... right?

"I don't know what you mean bro." Sans calmly said, his senses had started to calm down for him, though he would still get a little headache once in a while, so Papyrus had started to switch from his usual tone, to a quitter one.

Papyrus wrung his hands a little as he looked away. It seemed that he was nervous about this topic that he wanted to bring up. Sans could tell that his brother was both worried, and afraid of this and it made Sans want to protect his brother at the same time. Knowing that his brother's worries surrounded him though, made it harder to protect him all the more.

Sans wasn't even sure if his brother was even going to speak, until Papyrus finally spoke, his voice soft from worry. "I keep hearing weird sounds coming from your room at night. I don't go in though, not sure if your sleep walking and I know it isn't right to wake up a sleep walker." At least Papyrus knew that rule but, why would he be sleep walking? He was always exhausted and simple sleep walking wouldn't have his joints hurting him so much every morning.

Though, he would have to assure his brother of something at the very least. He never wants Papyrus to worry about him so much.

Giving his brother a big grin, he calmly said "Don't worry so much bro! I'm just working on something is all!" He chuckled a little, hoping to show that it was enough to ease his brother's worries.

"That isn't all that worries me though brother." Papyrus said with a frown. What else could be worrying Papyrus other than him possibly sleep walking? "Sometimes, I hear growling from your room, do you have some kind of dog in there? Or is that annoying dog back?"

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